Chapter 12

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Killian woke up the next morning, feeling even more tired than when he went to sleep. The first thing he noticed was that Emma's notebook was beside him on the bed. The second thing, was everyone freaking out downstairs. He got dressed and brushed his teeth and combed his hair as fast as he could. He grabbed Emma notebook and went downstairs. The first thing he heard was, "Emma is gone." The world around him felt as if it was caving in. He fell on the stairs and onto his knees. Liam and Elsa ran to him.

"Killian, what happened? Are you okay?" Elsa asked. She put her hand on his back and he looked up at them both. Tears threatening to spill.

"Is she really gone?" He asked in the weakest whimper.

"Aye, brother," Liam said sadly.

Killian sat back on the stairs and leaned against the wall. "She gave me her notebook. The one she wrote her stories in." He opened it and flipped to the first page where a note was written.

'Killian, I want you to read this to everyone, and tell them how sorry I am. I want them all to know that I just couldn't stay. Not while everyone was accusing me of the drugs. This home was by far the best, and I loved you all. I won't forget any of you.
--Emma Swan'

As Killian read aloud, the other kids surrounded him. Mary Margaret and Ruby were heartbroken that one of their best friends were gone.

"Well, I guess I should call Social Services," Liam said.

Killian jerked his head up. "What? What are you saying?"

"I need to call them and report her missing."

"You aren't going to go and find her?"

"I can't just drop my work. When Social Services finds her, they'll bring her back."

"No. They won't find her. I will." Killian ran upstairs and grabbed a bag. He threw some clothes into it and some money he had saved up. He took it downstairs and put it in his car.

"Do you actually think you can find her?" Liam asked. "What about school? Your friends, your family?"

"I love her, brother," Killian said and pulled out of the driveway.

Nothing except for Emma was on his mind. The first thing he expected her to do was go to the bus stop and go wherever it took her. He knew she would want to get lost. At the end of the day, he pulled to the side of the road and crawled into the backseat. He took out Emma's notebook and found another note. One that was written specifically for him.

'Hey my little dork, I'm really sorry. But I want you to know that I do love you. I love you with all my heart, and it really pains me to leave. I know I'll miss you so much, and I definitely won't forget you. Maybe we'll find each other again someday, if it was truly meant to be. You wanted to hear my story, so here it is. Hopefully I'll get my song someday soon?'

A stray tear ran down his cheek. Emma hadn't left anything except for her notebook. He held the notebook close to his chest and stared up at the sky. The stars were shining brightly and twinkling against the black sky. The crickets were singing a sweet harmony in the woods. The wind blew, making the leaves and branches rustle together. Everything was at peace around him, but there was a storm inside him. He had only known Emma for two weeks, but he could feel a connection with her that he didn't even feel with his own brother. He couldn't help but wonder where she was at. Where she was sleeping tonight. Was she safe? Was she someplace warm? Killian felt like a failure for not being there for her. There were so many questions that he didn't know the answer to, but he knew one thing was for sure.

He was going to get Emma back.

She wandered the streets. The wind bit harshly at her skin. She wrapped her coat around herself tighter. She sat down under a bridge and looked up at the dark sky. She could barely see the stars. She wanted Killian to hold her tightly and keep her warm.

"God, what have I done?" She asked herself.

One Month Later...

Emma had been away from the Jones home for one month now. She had met a nice woman that had taken her in and cared for her. She went by the name of Ingrid. Ingrid had been the mother that Emma never had. She gave her clothes and a warm bed to sleep in and hot meals. Ingrid too ran a foster home, so she had taken Emma in with the rest of the kids.

"I think you should go back to him," Ingrid said and handed Emma a mug of hot chocolate.

"No. I can't face him. He is probably so disappointed in me," Emma told the older woman and took a sip of her hot chocolate. "Can I just stay here until I graduate high school? I'll go back then."

"You can stay as long as you want."

Emma laid her head on Ingrid's shoulder. "I'm scared of what he will say."

"He loves you. He will be happy that you are back."

"I know, but who says that he still loves me?"

Killian had gone back home after one whole month of searching for Emma. Wherever she was, she didn't want to be found. He decided that he would finish school and then go out to find her. Liam and Elsa were so happy that he returned, but when he walked through the door alone, they were still upset. They loved Emma as their own, and they were worried sick.

"She will find you again," Liam said as he sat on his brother's bed. "I can feel it."

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