Chapter 23

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Emma and Killian laid in her bed, cuddled up together. He pressed kisses to her skin as she played with his fingers. Both of them had missed each other, but they didn't realize how much until now. It was still raining outside, and it made small clinking noises as it hit against the windows. The occasional rumble of thunder was heard, but it didn't disrupt the peace and quietness from inside the apartment. Emma and Killian were in their own little worlds, distracted by each other. Killian propped himself up on his elbow, and kissed Emma's shoulder as she turned onto her back to look at him. She made sure that the blankets covered her chest as she did so. He smiled at her and she smiled back, leaning up to kiss him sweetly.

"We have to talk," he said lowly.

"I know," she sighed. "Do you want to go first?"

He nodded. "I miss you. I didn't mean what I said. Anybody would be lucky to have you, and I was just being an idiot. I was scared of losing you. Especially when you just came back to me. I'm so sorry, love."

"I'm sorry too. I didn't realize that me leaving you would have such an effect on you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was moving out sooner. But, I had never expected us to fight. But, I miss you too. I just didn't want to seem like a burden to you."

"The only burden that I have, is that I don't get to see your beautiful face when I wake up. Whether we be in the same room or meeting in the kitchen for breakfast." Emma giggled which brought a smile to his face. "Just come back to me."

"I'll always be here, Killian. I'm not going anywhere again." She sat up against the headboard, bringing the blankets up with her. "How did you even find out where I lived?"

He looked down and scratched at the spot behind his ear. "There was a slip of paper in your room that had three addresses on it. I went to each one looking for you, and found you here. When I rang the buzzer for you, and you didn't answer, I figured you were out, so I waited for you."

"How long were you there?"

He shrugged. "Forty-five minutes or so."

"Killian! Why didn't you just wait in your car?"

"I wanted to see you! If I had waited in my car, you would have already been inside the building before I was even out. I didn't mind waiting. It left me a lot of time to think about what I was going to say to you without having you run away."

"You're an idiot," she laughed.

"Maybe, but I'm your idiot."

Emma rolled her eyes. "I guess you should get going," she said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Why would I want to leave?"

She shrugged. "I don't know."

"I mean, I could go if you want me to." He made a move to get out of the bed, but Emma grabbed his wrist. He turned back to her with an eyebrow raised.

"No. Don't leave. Please."

He laid back down on the bed. "I won't." He cuddled next to her. "Are we good now?"

"We're fine." She smiled.

"Can we record that song together? I shouldn't be the only one to hear that beautiful voice of yours."

Emma blushed. "Stop doing that."

"Stop doing what? I'm talking to you."

She sat up. "Never mind."

"No, tell me what I should stop doing. Does it bother you?"

"No, it's nothing. Don't worry about it. You are just being you, and I love you for it." She twisted around and kissed the corner of his mouth.

Killian was scared to ask her to move back in with him. He had been a little brave when he came to her new home and kissed her. He had taken an even braver move when he went up to her apartment and slept with her. He wondered why she hadn't pushed him away yet.

"So, what about the song? Can we still record it together?"

"Yeah. When can we do that?"

"I'll call my manager and ask her when I can get the booth open. I wanted to do it a few days ago, but then we got into that fight, so I had to reschedule. But, it's okay."

"Okay." Emma gave him a smile. "I'll be right back." She got out of bed and left the bedroom.

Killian reached over to the nightstand where his phone sat. He scrolled through the contact list finding the name 'Ruby.' He pressed the call button and held the phone next to his ear. "Hey, Ruby. Guess what."

"I don't like your guessing games, Jones. I never have," she told him.

"Guess who has been living with me for a few days."

"Spit it out, Killian! I have a lot of work to do."

"Emma's back. Long story short, I caught her singing and we made a song together. Can we come in and record it for the new album?"

"Wait, wait. Go back. Emma's back?"

"Yeah! I wanted to go out to dinner and celebrate us recording the new song with you, Dorothy, Mary Margaret, David, Robin, and Regina. But, it all depends on what you say."

"Yes! I'd love to see her again. You know what? We'll make it a surprise. I won't be there, but you know your way around the studio. We'll meet at Allen's Bar and Grille. Sound good?"

"Perfect. She'll be glad to see all of you again." There was the sound of a door closing outside of the bedroom. "I have to go. I'll call you later. We'll meet at 6:00 next Saturday."

"Sounds good. Bye, Killian!"

"Bye." He hung up just in time. Emma came into the room and he put his phone back on the nightstand.

"Who was that?" She asked as she crawled back into the bed.

"My manager. We will go to the studio on Saturday, record the song, then go out to eat afterwards."

"Awesome." Emma moved back under the blankets and rested her head on his chest. "As long as I'm with you, I'm perfectly fine."

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