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"Don't forget to write everyday. Try to call if you can. I know that the magic interferes with those sort of things but still try. " She rolled her eyes at her mother. Marcella hated goodbyes. She kissed her mother and father on the cheek.

She moved over to her younger brothers of 6 and 4. The oldest Michael, or Mikey as she affectionately call him, and the youngest Samuel. We call him Sam for short.

"Look after Sam." She told Mikey. He nodded, proud to bestow the honor of older brother. Samuel, red eyed from crying because he didn't want Marcella to leave, was holding his blue bunny, Mr. Rabbit, at his side looked at her. She turned and smiled at Sam and ruffled his mess of curly black hair and was reminded of the boy from the robe shop two months ago.  She grimaced at the memory. Samuel charged at his sister's leg with a tight hug as she raised up. Marcella's eyes bucked in surprise as her 4 year old brother almost pushed her over.

"Sam, let go of her." Aslan, the oldest of us at 15 scolded. Aslan looked the most like our father. She had his dark red hair the color of red leaves in the fall, his cheekbones, slender and slightly upturned nose, and his full lips. However, she still had our mothers' natural elegance as well. Sam reluctantly let go of Marcella. She faced her sister - Aslan stood a few inches taller than her despite being the oldest. Aslan smiled and pulled Marcella into a tight embrace. Aslan was bitter at first that Marcella had received powers, unlike her. Her bitterness slowly turned into her finally being proud for her sister. She withdrew from the hug and held her sister at the forearm. "Become a better Witch not just for you but for us as well." Aslan said with a smile. I returned one back to her.

My dad handed me the trolley my trunk and backpack full of the required equipment. My mother bent down and whispered in my ear, "Run through the wall." She laughed when I gave her a bewildered look. She lead me past platform 7 and 8. She stopped in the middle and threw out a hand toward one of the brick pillars. "Platform 9 and 3/4," My mother said.

I did as my mother told me to. I took the ticket she gave me and placed my hand on the cart. I took one deep breathe and ran full speed at the wall. I closed my eyes as any normal person would have crashed into the curved brick pillar. When I opened my eyes again, all the breathe I had in me was stolen as platform 9 and 3/4 was in bestowed to me. The whole entirety of being a wizard, the wizard in my family of squibs and low powered wizards, and that I would be a student of the notorious Hogwarts.

James Sirius Potter and the Matter of Marcella Black Where stories live. Discover now