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The next day in class. Classes became more mixed then they were in the past. Normally I would have classes with Hufflepuff's if I were in Hogwarts before the war, now everyone's mixed together in order to decrease tension between houses.

I was trying very heard not to fall asleep in history. My head kept falling down and my eyes closing.

I would have gone to sleep but James was on his way to falling into the REM stage. I couldn't have him snoring in class. He would blow everyone's cover with his loud snoring. He smiles in his sleep you know. A much pleasanter smirk than his know if all one when he's awake. Practically everyone used History as a class to sleep in, especially James because most of it was about his father and godparents anyway. There was a girl two seats behind me who is also a Ravenclaw who paints eyes on her eyelids. I admire her greatly. She is my idol.

I pulled out my phone. All muggle websites and apps had been restricted by the teachers, but us ravenclaws got our own way around that. I had three text messages.

All from Lillian. I looked over to where she was sitting. Her book was propped up on her table, her phone behind it. It looked like she was scrolling through her notes app. I almost laughed. Normally she's the only one who pays attention in this class.

I clicked on messages to read them. I don't know if it's just me, but I have this weird thing where I can't stand the red notification numbers.

Lillian: what are you doing tonight?

Lillian: that sounded weird, I didn't mean it like that black

Lillian: I was talking about going into the forest

I smirked. That must have been why she was avoiding eye contact with me, she was embarrassed.

I sent back a text that read, 'Wow I didn't know that's how you felt about me, I'm flattered, but the location of our date isn't ideal.'

I looked over to see her face go bright red.

Lillian: fuck you, Black.
Lillian: I just want to know if you dicks are going to go to forest with me cuz I can go alone and die, if you want

Marcella: the point is I, personally,  don't want to die so I don't want to go into the forest
Marcella: you have heard of the muggle saying, 'if everyone jumped off a bridge would you too?' This is me not jumping off that bridge

Lillian: well if everyone jumped of the bridge then 1. Everyone would be pulled high enough to the point I would survive and 2. If everyone died I would obviously eventually die as well.
Lillian: therefore your point is invalid

Marcella: okay calm down there buddy it's was just a saying
Marcella: if it bothers you that much then let's just blow off Astronomy and go then. I'm only going to stay for 45 minutes tho.
Marcella: we better not die or I'll kill you

Marcella could see the ••• sign.

Marcella: don't say that I'm already dead. I'm aware of that.

The ••• went away. Lillian smiled at her from across the room. As soon as Marcella rolled her eyes the bell rang. James shot up in his seat, drooling. Marcella gave Jin's distasteful look and hit on the shoulder light with her phone. "You scared me," she replied.

James frowned at her and grabbed his bag. He pushed in his chair and slung he bag across his shoulder.

James Sirius Potter and the Matter of Marcella Black Where stories live. Discover now