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That night right before astronomy, Marcella changed out of her cloak and into all black running attire. She grabbed her enchanted bag with a bottomless amount of things it could hold. In it she placed a flashlight, her wand, a hairbrush, bug repellant, and a foldable tent along with tons of food and water.

Marcella, James, and Lillian all met by Hagrids old hut. It was now a club house of sorts for the gang. It was locked with enchantment spells we had placed on it so only members could get inside. No one seemed to question it.

Lillian and James were drinking tea as Marcella gently closed the door. "Remind me why we're going into the forest?" James asked.

"Legend says that your father dropped a resurrection stone in the forest clearing." Lillian said. Her reasoning made me feel pity for her. Her mom had died from cancer last year. Normally wizard can cure muggle diseases, but the cancer spread to the brain too quickly.

"I can call him if you wanna to know, you know this right?" James said downing the last of the tea. I too some for myself.

Lillian sighed. "James that's not the point." I watched Her curiously as she walked over the coffee table and dumped out the contents of her own bag. "Crossbows? Wtf, we have our own weapons! Wands! Remember those." Lillian made a slight puff sound at my concern.

I looked over at James who was eyeing me with our common state of "oh look! A crazy person!".

I took one and dropped it into my never ending Pursue to amuse her. "Okay lets go then. I assume you know the way?"

The moonlight shined on the areas of the forest where the trees were sparse. I could hear the crunching of fallen leaves under my shoes. James making his best out of whacking every limb away with his wand.

I put my hand over his as a motion to tell him to stop. He put his wand away and walked beside me. Lillian was in the front of us with a map and a flashlight in her mouth.

We must have walked a mile before Lillian shouted it should be here.

"Lillian, it's too quiet. I don't think it's safe here." We came to a very odd clearing of trees. We had past a stream a few minutes ago, but strangely we could not hear it now. We didn't even here the sounds of the insects.

"Nonsense!" Lillian said as she walked into the center. James and I both pulled out our wands. "Really I wouldn't touch that."

Lillian walked up to a small little ring. Right as she turned to us with a smile with it in her hand, three centaurs appeared.

Lillian's face folded with confusing at James's and I's wide eyes and frightened faces. I mouthed, "don't move."

I assessed the situation. They were as unarmed as a centaur could be. There was only three of them, only three of us. Perhaps they're peaceful, perhaps not. I assumed we on sacred ground, so the latter seemed correct. There seemed to be only two ways out - behind the centaurs and he way we came in. It had to be a mile out of the forest. James can run a mile in six minutes, Lillian in eight, and I under ten. The last thing that processed through my mind was all three of us had our wands.

"Child, what is in your hand?" One of them asked. Lillian stumbled as she took two steps back.

"Remember you are the one trespassing on our land." Another said.

Lillian gulped, turned and shouted at us to run.  It wasn't her best idea.

As we ran through the forest, vines and twigs cutting up my arms and legs, we knocked down as many obstacles as we could. They were slower than a horse, but wizards are slower than centaurs.

Lillian almost fell as we hurdles our way over a large fallen tree as we managed to finally shimmy our way out of hell.

We laid down near the black lake, trying to regain breathe. I hoped they didn't leave the forest to find us, and take back what we took. "This. Was a. Dumb. Idea." Lillian said. "I told you so." Was the first thing out of my mouth.

"Why'd you let me do it?"

"Ah, Lillian, you can't take a no for anything. Your as stubborn as a centaur."

We took a moment to evaluate what just happened. We broke into laughter at the sheer thought about our survival.

James Sirius Potter and the Matter of Marcella Black Where stories live. Discover now