Chapter 4

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* evil laughs * This part was fun to write XD I mean seriously it was such a blast. It's whether I am weird or my sister have been teaching me too much on how to be weird.


I stare at Travis, wide eyed and scared. Then I looked at Ky, who didn't seem to care. The moment seemed to last forever, until Ky finally let me go. Steadying me, and smirking. But I did not thank him, much less acknowledge him at all. The second he let go of me, I ran towards Travis. Whos gaze went from shock to anger.

Why! Why! Why! Must the world hate me so much?

He crossed his arms, glaring at me, which gave me a big sinking feeling.

"I went all the way from basketball practice to get you, here in this ice cream shop." He stared at Ky, who just stood his ground smirking at Travis. "Then I see him, doing that to you!" He said loudly, loud enough that everyone in the shop started to stare at us.

My hand touched my throat, feeling the large lump. I bowed my head.

Travis sent his gaze on Ky, he pointed his index finger at him. "I don't wanna see you near her," he points at me. "Again! Got it!"

Ky gave him a cocky smile. "Crystal clear," he walked towards Mr.Waters, haning him the apron. Then pushed past both of us, winking at me, before he walked away.

Travis grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the ice cream shop, until he stopped at his car. He opens the door for himself, getting in. I sighed and opened the door, slowly sliding inside. Travis gave me another glare. As if I don't have enough of that already.

For the whole trip he didn't say a thing. And all I actually did was stare at him. He sighed then turned to look at me when the stoplight turned red.

"Who was that?" He finally asked.

"His name is Ky, and I slipped so he helped me." I mutter, head looking down at my hands.

"Where do you want me to drop you off?"

"Chloe's house, I need to ask her something."

He nods his head, then focuses back to the street. We reach Chloe's house in around fifteen minutes, he stops the car engine, then waits for me to get out. And I did.

I gently closed the car door, looking at him.

"Thanks for the ride."

"No swet," then he sped off, leaving me there.

I sighed, walking towards my home, making sure no one saw me. I pushed the door open, then walked inside the house. Clarissa greeted me with a warm smile. Usually this would make me smile too, but now it just made me more sad. Dragging my lazy body up the stairs, I opened the door, walking into my room. Where Miranda stood, looking all happy.

"Good afternoon Miss Caroline!" She chirps in a cheerful voice, not helping my mood.

"Hi Miranda," I jump on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

Miranda takes a few steps towards me, her hands behind her back. "Are you alright miss?"

I glanced at her, shaking my head. She takes a seat next to me on my bed.

"Then what's wrong?"

I sighed, staring at the wall. "Everything," and that's where I ended up spilling everything to Miranda. This is a good reason that I have her with me, cause I know Andrea wouldn't mind. She patted my back once in a while, also brushing strands of hair away from my eyes, then when I finished my story, her words shocked me.

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