Chapter 7

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So I thought, why not un-discontinue this book, people say they like it, so I'll just continue it then, see where this piece can take me. Pardon me if it ends badly, I really hated this idea * facepalms * this is where you can see that I am no teen fiction writer.


"What the fuck do you want from me?" I demanded, my voice getting muffled by the mask. If I didn't have this sickness he would be dead.

He chuckled, running a hand through his black hair as he ruffled mine with the other. He was seriously getting into my nerves.

"I think the real question is, 'what the fuck do you want from me, Ky,'" he murmured, walking over to the desk near me, picking up the papers and reading them. "Anyways, I'm just here to assist your doctor."

I rolled my eyes. Of all the people to treat me, they chose him. Him! Oh all mighty universe, take pity on me!

"If I were you, I'd thank me." He said, chuckling. I sat there on the bed, my arms crossed over my chest as my eyes follow him. Ky was certainly someone I wouldn't trust.

"So you're going to the ball tomorrow . . . the big one for elites." He incuires.

My eyes widen as I hear him say those words. He was eavesdropping!

My hands tighten on the bed sheet, sweat beading my forehead. He would know, he has to know my secret by now. Only a dumbass wouldn't! I don't asnwer him.

Ky slowly turns around, facing me, he slid of the mask from his mouth, smiling. "So I was right am I, you are rich."

Yep, he solved it. Which means he's not a dumbass . . . such a shame.

"How come the school and students don't know about this?" He pries, inching closer to me, his eyes searching for an answer. I felt like one of those zebras I see in Animal Planet, being chased by some cheetah or lioness, being hunted down.

I gulped loudly, making him smile wider. He tilted his head to the side, glancing at the door then back at me.

"Answer me Ms. Icecream." He demanded.

I hate that new pet name.

"Yes," I answered softly, afraid of his answer. Looking down, I stare at my hands, waiting for his reply.

He smiled smugly at me. God I hate that smile! He crossed his arms over his chest, giving me a big smirk. Why can't he just put his nurse mask thingy back on to irritate me less!

"So, aren't you going to treat me or something? That is your job right?"

He laughed at my questions.

"I'm learning to be a doctor madam. It doesn't mean I get to treat you, I'm a mere assistant."

I rolled my eyes at him, making him laugh. It's hard to remember that I actually was sick, Ky smiling and laughing made me forget it all. I joined in his laughter. My door was open and the two of us could see the passerbys give us funny looks.

He glanced at the door, smiling at them. Several nurses waved back, patients frowned and doctors ignored us.

Ky looked back at my, ruffling up my hair into a mess.

"I know that you really want to go to that ball, huh," he whispered into my ear, his breath tickling my skin.

I nodded as an answer.

He smiled, leaning back to the edge of the bed. "Good. Because I'm kicking you out of this shitty dump." He said proudly, making sure no one outside heard.

My hands instantly went to cover my mouth. Brushing away the strands of brown hair away from my face I gawk at him. His smile turned into a smirk and I knew he enjoyed this look of mine.

"I-I'm sick," I say, barely in a whisper.

He chuckled, patting me hard on the back before walking around the room in a circle.

"Caroline. You're fine. All you need is a little bit of medicine, that's all." His voice sounded so sure and calm, I wanted to believe him so badly, but I knew he was lying, or I felt like it. It happened to me before, I was smaller back then, it hurt more and it took forever to heal.

Coughing, my eyes met his.

"H-How su-sure are y-you that thi-this would work?" I said in between coughs.

He smiled warmly, his eyes locked on mine. "Because I know I can," he pinched my nose before walking out of the room, closing it ever so slowly.

No one can know what will happen next.

That man seems to like popping up in my life.

I hate it.

No, I despise it.

Yet he makes me smile.

I smiled like a goof, sitting on the hospital bed with my back straight up. He was no Travis that's for sure. My Travis is almost perfect. He's gentle, he'd open the car door for me, he makes me smile. Yet there's Ky, a boy I only met recently, already making me furious every damn moment I stare at him. Yet he makes me smile when he flashes that grin on me. He makes me laugh with a simple joke and simple gestures make me feel warm and fuzzy.

Why am I thinking like this? Well I dunno. Maybe because he makes me happy, he makes me smile, he makes my heart flutter. No, it's much more than that. He knows my secret.


Short update, so sorry, welp, decided to continoue this damn story. Yay?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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