Mama's new clothes

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(Tsunade is Hokage before the chunnin exams because the old one retired early after a battle that stuffed up his hip. Tsunade was called in and after she was begged by her former sensei to become the fifth Hokage she accepted to honor her husbands(?) dream)

-a week after becoming Naruto's kit-

Anko woke up to the nice feel of warmth all around her. Her mind was slow to wake up but when it did Anko beamed in happiness when she saw her little brothers and her mama curled around her for warmth. The past few days were spent in the forest getting to know her now family and although they never moved from the cave Anko knew her siblings were powerful. She took a moment to bask in the warmth her family provided before she looked up at her mother only to be startled when she saw those big glowing blue eyes focused on her.
"So you have awoken" he whispered. Anko beamed up at her mama and quickly wrapped her arms as far around his neck as they would go. Naruto purred happily and gently nuzzled her and his other two kits awake. They yawned cutely before crawling over to Anko and resting their sleepy heads on her knees. She wrapped her arms around them and lent against Naruto's stomach.
"I never want to wake up alone ever again" Anko whispered to herself. Naruto smiled fondly before nudging them all to their feet before he himself stood up and stretched.
"Come young ones, we must go hunting before Anko and I return to the village"
The kits whined sadly but nodding and crawling up the steep slope to the mouth of the cave. Anko was shocked to find they were using chakra to climb. Naruto saw her shock and chuckled lightly.
"I have been training them since they no longer needed my milk. The more chakra you have the harder it is to control and their stores are as large as a sages, they need more control so I am teaching them the art of hunting in the trees while they hold numerous leaves to their bodies and shift them around."
To say Anko was impressed would be a huge understatement. She quickly scampered up after Naruto when she noticed he was now half way up the slope.
"Come Anko, we must train you as well" she nodded eagerly before racing off to go join her brothers further ahead. Naruto sniffed the air to smell for their newest hunt before smirking to himself. The large bear from yesterday is in his territory. He trotted lazily after the kits while keeping a sharp eye when they attached leaves to their bodies and started to move them all over their lean muscled bodies while Anko did the same.

Naruto studied their movements when they jumped into the trees and started to silently hop from tree to tree. He kept a safe distance away so as to not scare away the pray but still close enough to intervene if things got to out of hand. The kits and Anko jumped from tree to tree with great speed while still keeping their leaves moving. Anko looked curiously towards the two kits beside her and was impressed to see their coordination in which they moved.

Further up ahead was the large bear so the three kits slowed to a stop and waited for the perfect time to strike. The kit with green eyes tapped Anko on her arm causing her to look over at the kit. The green eyed kit then tapped her head with the tip of his tail causing Anko to smother a gasp when hunting techniques flooded her brain and suddenly she understood their positioning. She nodded with fire blazing in her eyes, excited for the first hunt with her siblings. They surrounded the giant bear quietly and swiftly before they all jumped at the bear together and latched on to parts of his body. The green eyes fox bit down hard on the Bears neck while the yellow eyed kit latched on to its front leg, right on a pressure point forcing the beasts legs to go limp and for it to stumble just as Anko pierced the same pressure point on the other leg. The beast roared in anger at being Immobilised before flailing its head to try and crush one of them with its jaw. The kits steered clear of the snapping jaws as they made their way to its neck and tore at the flesh with vigour. The beast roared one last time before collapsing and dying, becoming food for the earth and the three kits. Anko ripped off a large chunk of bear meat before starting up a fire and cooking it while the three foxes tore into the meal happily. Naruto ate everything that his kits couldn't before he left with his kits towards the cave.
"I don't want you kits to leave this cave, do you hear me?" The two kits nodded sadly while Anko frowned.
"Why can't they come to the village?" Naruto sighed heavily and looked towards his two fox kits.
"I wish they could but they are simply too large for normal foxes and I do not have the time to look after them while I'm with my team" Anko's face lit up with an idea.
"How about I look after my brothers. I'm older and I can tell the Hokage that they are nin foxes and I've been training them in the forest of death. As long as they don't cause any harm to the villagers the council can't say a word of argument about them and the shinobi won't care at all!" Naruto twirled the suggestion around his mind before making the mistake of looking down at his two younger kits. The full force of the puppy eye no Jutsu slammed into his heart and he couldn't resist its hold any longer.
"Fine, but promise me you won't get into trouble" he said with a sigh of defeat. The kits puffed out their chests and yipped with the most serious face Anko has seen on the kits. She then remembered what a promise was to demons and vowed to never go back on her word. Naruto nodded before looking over at Anko with a stern eye.
"Look after your siblings or I will ground you, no missions and no hunts. You will be forced to stay in the cave for a week" Anko nodded happily then turned to her younger brothers.
"You're gonna come to the village with your big sister!" they yipped happily before pouncing on top of her. Naruto smiled fondly then started to walk to the gates.
"Very well I will take you straight to the Hokage's office to let her know what's going on." Anko wanted to voice out that no one could get into the Hokage's office without being seen but she went with her mama anyway, trusting that the 7000 something year old could deal with a little stealth. She noticed he started to shrink but he didn't change shape then when he was the same size of a large nin hound he touched them all with one of his tails and shunshined to the office.

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