Exam delayed

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Sakura stomped over to the startled four before going to smack Naruto on the head like she normally does when she finds him sleeping. The kits only saw the immediate danger and so yellow lunged for her throat while green chomped down on her hand. Sakura gave off a shrill scream before falling on to her ass when yellow landed on her chest and knocked her down. He went to wrap his jaws around her neck but Anko was quick enough to grab the scruff of his neck and pull him back while Naruto eased Green's jaws from Sakura's trembling hand. Naruto sighed and sent his kits a stern look before shifting his eyes towards Sakura.
"I'm so sorry Sakura, their mind was fogged and when they saw you about it hit me they didn't think" the pink haired banshee screamed as she cried and clutched her injured hand to her chest. Anko gently pried the hand away and started healing the wound. As if on cue Kakashi appeared with an excuse for being late but before he could even start he noticed the scene in front of him. Sasuke walked from out behind a tree but the others didn't even think about what he was doing behind it and focused their attention on Sakura.
"Oh calm down you cry baby, it's all healed up now" Anko said gruffly, with annoyance thick in her sleepy voice. Her cheeks were red and her eyes puffy from crying before she fell asleep but everyone wisely chose to ignore it.
"That fucking thing bit my hand" before Naruto could calm himself down a growl ripped through his throat and rumbled in his chest.
"Thing?" He growled out in anger. Sakura took a shaky step back when she saw Naruto's angry eyes piercing into her.
"Those kits aren't 'things' you ungrateful brat. Humans are selfish creatures with no heart" Naruto took a step forward and jammed his finger into her chest which made Sakura flinch but her anger grow.
"You stupid Baka. You're human too, you disgusting pig!" Naruto snarled in her face while his eyes slowly started to glow and his irises thin to slits.
"Filthy humans like you should not exist. You think you're the top of the food chain huh, think again bitch because no matter how hard you humans try you will never be able to reach our level of power"
Naruto's voice boomed with anger and rage, a small amount of Ki started to leak out of his shaking form. Anko quickly grabbed Naruto's arm and pulled him back towards the snarling kits.
"Mama stop! You're causing a scene and you're scaring me. Mama please stop" Anko begged weakly. Naruto turned his attention to Anko immediately when he smelt the salty scent of tears on her face. Naruto sighed and wrapped his arms around her shaking shoulders.
"Sorry kit, I'm on edge since your brothers are not safe in the den. Mama's here so don't worry"
Naruto whispered softly into her ear. Sasuke and Sakura tried to listen in on what he said but couldn't hear were as Kakashi's eye widened and his mouth dropped open behind his mask.
"Mama?" He whispered to himself in shock. His mind spun with questions but no matter how hard he tried he could not figure out the answers. The two fox kits nuzzled their older sister in reassurance then tugged at their mamas pants.
"I'm sorry, take your brothers and go. I'm calm now and I will sort everything out" Anko nodded into his shoulder before sniffling and pulling back to plant a soft kiss to her mamas cheek before she jumped away with her reluctant siblings. Naruto cleared his throat and turned to the other members of his team.
"I'm sorry I lost control, it will not happen again and I apologise for the things I said to you Sakura"
Sakura sniffled then ran off to go back home to cry to herself. Naruto sighed then turned to Kakashi.
"You were about to give us the permission slips for the chunnin exams I believe" Kakashi nodded numbly then handed out papers to both Naruto and Sasuke who looked curious but still brooding as usual. Naruto took a deep breath to calm himself down further but regretted it soon after when the musky scent that came from Kakashi drifted into his nose and caused his prick to twitch. Naruto immediately covered his nose as a blush worked its way on to his cheeks.
"Oh god, not now!" Naruto whimpered pathetically before pulling out a spray bottle from no where and sprayed Kakashi with its substance. Kakashi blinked in surprise before looking down at Naruto from his perch on the railing. Naruto uncovered his nose slowly and took a small whiff of Kakashi's scent before quickly spraying him again.
"What the hell are you doing dobe?"
Sasuke asked in annoyance. Naruto looked over at him with watering eyes.
"Kakashi sensei smells bad!" He whined before going back to spraying their teacher who looked offended.
"I don't smell like anything! I use a scentless soap that hides my scent!" Kakashi argued making Naruto's eyes widen.
"Well I can still smell you, buy a new soap you cheep skate! Fuck I gotta go"
Naruto went to leap away but Kakashi appeared in front of him and blocked his escape. Unfortunately Naruto crashed right into his sensei' chest and got a face full of his mouth watering scent even underneath all that artificial rose smell. Naruto's cheeks blazed in embarrassment when he felt the back of his pants become wet with his slick and his dick start to throb. 'Oh shit oh shit, I didn't mean to start my heat but fucking hell he smells so good!' Naruto thought in dismay.
"Naruto I have some questions I need you to answer so you're coming with me to the Hokage's office!" He declared sternly before wrapping his arms around Naruto's waist and vanishing in a puff of smoke. Sasuke was left there glaring at the spot his team mate and his sensei were standing not even a minute ago.

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