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Naruto yawned while stretching out his pleasantly aching body. He fought down a silly giggle and snuggled into the warmth wrapped around him. Kakashi groaned as he opened his tired eyes and looked down at his lover.
"Naruto you have the stamina of the devil" he muttered tiredly before kissing the top of his head. Naruto purred happily, nuzzling his neck then he licked it and looked at the place his shoulder joins to his neck with a blush. Naruto nipped the spot gently as he looked up at Kakashi who was godly handsome without his mask and headband. Naruto ran his fingers through his lovers hair and smiled softly when Kakashi bent down and stole a kiss.
"Kakashi" said human looked down into the kitsune's loving blue eyes and smiled.
"Yes?" Naruto shimmied up so he was face to face with the man then he pecked him gently on the lips.
"Would you be my mate?" Kakashi blinked before he smiled lovingly at Naruto and captured his lips in a hungry kiss that caused the air to thicken with the sweet scent of Naruto's arousal.
"Yes Naruto, I will protect you as long as I live" Naruto beamed in happiness as he rolled Kakashi on to his back and straddled his hips.
"Thank you so much Kakashi, my love" Naruto whispered with tears in his eyes before he bent down and clamped his enlarged fangs into his mates shoulder.

Kakashi gasped while his body spasmed before he came violently, Naruto moaned loudly around the flesh in his mouth as he also came hard and collapsed on to Kakashi's heaving chest.
"Holy fuck!" Kakashi mumbled as he wrapped his arms around his new mate and kissed the top of his head. Naruto groaned, rubbing up against Kakashi's stomach as he begged for more.
"Kaka, the next wave of heat is coming" Kakashi's hand dipped down in between Naruto's cheeks and smirked when he felt around the clenching hole to find the slick oozing out of his mates hole.
"Well then I'm just going to have to satisfy you then my little mate"
Naruto moaned at his mates words before rubbing his erection against his mates stomach again.
"Do you need food first?" Kakashi asked in concern for his mates health. Naruto chuckled before flipping them over himself so he was under Kakashi ready to be taken.
"Kakashi you filled me up so full of cum last night that I might explode. I'm only hungry for you at the moment" Kakashi licked his lips with a smirk before he dipped down and stole a kiss, his cock slipped easily into the well lubed hole. Naruto moaned at the feel of Kakashi inside him before he tightened around his mate and pushed back against him with a needy whine. A thought struck him just as Kakashi thrust in to the hilt causing Naruto to accidentally blurt it out.
"Don't be shocked if I randomly grow a tail!" Kakashi froze then looked down at his lover with amusement and shock. Naruto refused up look up at his mate and turned his head the other way with his ears tinting pink.
"I mean .... During the second wave of heat its normal if the submissive shifts into his in between state..." Naruto whined and hid his face behind his hands. Kakashi chuckled while prying his hands away from his face and kissing his lips gently.
"Don't worry. I think that's cute" Naruto peered up at him shyly before he bit his lips when his heat slammed into him without any warning making his insides ache and his dick twitch.
"Kakashi" he moaned while his eye lids lowered to half mast. Kakashi's eyes also lowered to half mast when his mates sweet smell slammed into him like a brick to the face. Kakashi gave a lusty smirk before he started rocking into his lovers prostate.
"Ahh Kakashi, faster" he moaned out so Kakashi happily complied. Before they could get into the swing of things the door burst open and in bounced yellow and green. At first they froze to assess the situation before they pranced happily over to the bed and laid their heads on the edge. Kakashi was frozen and looking at the foxes in shock as they stared at Naruto expectingly. Naruto bit his lip to suppress a giggle of understanding while Kakashi was frozen with a dumbfounded expression on his face. Anko ran in next looking out of breath and panicked. She took one look at her mothers position before her face split with a shit eating grin. Naruto blushed cutely before grinning up at Kakashi who refused to turn to look at Anko who was snickering at his embarrassment.
"Sorry Kaka, they must of smelt my heat and come looking for me" Kakashi shifted slightly causing Naruto to stiffen and moan lowly. He panted while gazing up at his mate lustfully.
"D-don't move" Naruto reached up and wrapped his arms around Kakashi's neck before he rolled them over so he was straddling his waist. Naruto shuddered when he felt Kakashi's dick poke at his prostate. With shaky arms Naruto pushed himself up so he was sitting instead of lying on Kakashi's chest.
"Green, yellow" at the sound of their code names the two foxes ears perked up and their heads lifted from the edge of the bed.
"Come here" they jumped on to the bed excitedly causing Kakashi to panic slightly. Naruto smiled reassuringly down at him while he patted his chest. His body shook with the effort to control his heat but once the fox kits were standing on the bed next to Naruto he reached out his hand and pulled yellows head closer quickly before biting down hard into his neck. Yellow whined but stayed still while his body shifted, his bloody red fur paled into a more sandy blonde colour with white tips on his tail, underbelly and feet. After his DNA finished changing Naruto let him go and he scampered away from the Unknown alpha connected to his mother. The process was repeated with green except his fur turned fully white and his underbelly turned black as well as his tail and paws. Once green had made his escape Naruto turned his blood covered face to Anko and smiled gently at her.
"Anko" she didn't even mind Kakashi who was wide eyed and freaking out as she crawled on to the bed and made her way over to her mother.
"Thank you mama" she said with a smile before she was pulled over to Naruto and her neck was bitten into just where it joined her shoulder. Tears sprung to her eyes but she held them down as her body was forced to change both inside and out. Her hair stayed the same colour only a few shades of gold was spun into it and her ears shifted to the top of her head where they changed shape into long slender fox ears the colour of purple with gold tips. Her spine extended out and continued to grow until a tail had formed around the bone. The fur was dark purple with golden tips, her canines lengthened and her pupils narrowed into slits. Lastly her nails hardened and grew into pointed claws. Once the transformation was complete she gave her mother a kiss on the cheek despite the blood and weakly crawled off of the bed and dragged herself out of the room, shutting the door behind her but not before reassuring Naruto she would take care of her siblings. Naruto licked his blood stained lips before looking back down at Kakashi who was gazing up at him with confused but aroused eyes.
"During a heat an omega can change anyone's body to become a part of their family. Those two kits are my brothers but his mate died and he is sealed inside me so he asked for me to make them apart of my family, Anko found us not to long ago and she is now my daughter". He explained before swooping down and sharing the coppery taste of blood with Kakashi.
"It's similar to how I made your body change so you can handle me as a mate" Kakashi nodded before thrusting up into Naruto causing the heat to come back with a vengeance. Naruto cried out and bit into Kakashi's mating mark causing them both to come violently while Naruto forced another portion of his chakra into Kakashi's body which caused it to change even more.

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