Chapter 9

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(Who would've thought I be writing again? Not me if course but I have to go on and make it worth writing again).

"Run". The darkness filled my vision. " Run". I couldn't see where I was going. "RUN!" Who was I running from? It's a dream. I didn't know who or why I was running away from but fear had taken ahold of me and my steps pounded against something wet. The darkness blurred my eyesight. I kept running hearing a faint sound ahead of me. I followed it and the tunnel of light appeared before me.

"Get away..." It said.

I turned behind me only to see a shadow of smoke concealing itself.

"Die...die...die." It sang.

My knees shaking, terrified I ran toward the light but it was no use it voice gotten closer and closer behind me.

Panting, I was scared. Was I going to die? I had fallen at the end of the light, barely within its reach. Save me. Anyone. Please. I don't want to die. Please. Tears down my face looking at the smoke as it shrouded violently around. It's arm slowly gotten closer ready to yank me away.

"Die... Die... DIE!" It shrieked.

Then the white light blasted in my eyes. "Aurora..."

Whose that?

"Wake up!"

I jolted right up only to hit something hard on my head. "Ow!" I groaned.

"I'll say, 'ow' indeed."

I jolted right up. Luke was rubbing his jaw somewhat hurt a little.

"Wwwwwhat are you you doing here?!" Startled.

"You invited me in remember?"

I finally registered last night event. "Sorry." I glanced down toward the wound but it was covered up with the an old shirt he must of found. It looked pretty good on him though.

"Don't worry I'm okay now."

Sheepishly, I look away. "If you say so."

Luke stratched his head unsure in the awkward moment. "I guess I should be going."

"Yea." I glanced at him as he got up, worried his injuries were still bad conditions.

Luke grunted a little but otherwise got up with ease. I was almost suprised he walked alright but it occured to me last night his wound was a lot more worse and I was certain he wouldn't be able to go to school much less walk right either.

"Are you going to school?"

He midway stopped at the door unsure by that question. Luke turned toward me and smiled, "Not today." he opened the door and just like that he left.


The rest of the day went off smoothly. Even the twins were nowhere to be seen. Luke didn't come by to school as he said. Maybe his injuries did hurt more than he showed this morning. This morning my bike was in front of the door and the tire was fixed as well. I didn't know he brought it or was it there all along? I shook my head unsure.

I felt disappointed when he didn't show up in the same class. The douche bag teach didn't bother with me today which was all more restless.

The day was even more boring and it started to get me upset. I didn't know why. I just felt this sad/mad emotion and the people ignored me.

The rest of the day was full and when my mom came home she gave me a half smile. "Hey sweetie. I'm sorry about the other day."

I knew she meant about Luke. I just shrugged like it didn't matter. "It's alright. I'm really tired so I'm going to my room." She had a well-being for looking out for me but other times I wish she hadn't told her "fake" husband. I didn't want to talking to anyone. I walked upstairs to my room and laid on my bed.

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