The Explanation

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"I feel like I haven't eaten in ages. I need food... now." Clarke demanded.

Lexa shrugged, "Sorry Hun'... all the food is up there," she points up towards the ceiling.

Clarke hopped down from the table and walked towards the refrigerator, she opened it, "That's looks so good right now... Ow! What the heck?!" Clarke a sharp pain in her mouth, she covered her mouth in pain.

"The first time is always the worse time," Lexa said. Clarke slowly uncovered her mouth and felt felt her teeth with her tongue, her eyes widened in horror.

"My God..." Clarke whispered, "Lexa what the hell is going on with me?! What am I?"

"Well you see..." Lexa rubbed the back of her neck nervously, Clarke's eyes traveled towards the bags of blood in the refrigerator. She reached for the bags of blood, but quickly realized what she was doing and restrained herself by closing the fridge.

Clarke looked at Lexa trying to gather everything she's feeling, "Lexa... Why is there bags if blood in your refrigerator? And why do I have a sudden desire for blood? Where the hell am I?"

Lexa walked towards her, "I'll answer that as soon as we feed you." She grabbed Clarke's hand and turned back around to go back above ground. Clarke freed herself from Lexa's grip, "I'm not going anywhere till you answer my questions," she stated.

Lexa sighed frustratingly and faced Clarke, "Clarke, we don't have time for this. We need to feed you now," Clarke crossed her arms.

Lexa pressed her lips together, "Okay fine... You're at my house which is underground... well it's actually Luna's house, but I live here. This might sound funny but uh... I thought you were a... a dhampir, so that's why I brought you down. Um... as you were falling you kind of fell a little too hard and... died."

Clarke started to laugh, "I died? Ha! Oh God you're funny!" She looked at Lexa and noticed that she wasn't telling a joke, her laughter quickly died down, "You're messing with me... right?"

Lexa nervously shaked her head.

Clarke's eyes widened, she ran her fingers through her hair, "So how am I walking about and talking to you? What the hell am I? This is a dream and I'm going to wake up any second... any second now."

"Um, Clarke... you're a vampire. Trust me, this definitely isn't a dream. I mean you're still technically dead... you're basically a living dead."

Clarke shakes her head in disbelief, "Oh no, no... This has got to be a dream. God no, please no," she walked passed Lexa and sat on the chair with her head in her hands. "I'm a vampire... I'm a vampire I feed off of humans and drink their blood! The desire for blood... the fangs... I can't believe they're real... I'm real. What are my friends going to think of me? What about my... my mom? God my life is over!" She cried out.

Lexa sat next to Clarke and cautiously rested her hand on her back shoulder, "Clarke..."

Clarke quickly gets up and faced Lexa angrily, "Don't you dare touch me! It's all your fault that I'm a vampire! I can't go back home because I might get hungry and feed off my mom... I definitely won't be able to be a surgeon now!" She cried out.

Lexa got up, "Clarke, I'm so sorry. I never meant for you to become like this. I just... I felt this connection between us and I couldn't stand to see you die on me. I wanted to have more time with you and I knew you weren't ready to die... so I had to turn you," she explained.

"So you decided to be selfish and make me a vampire just for your beneficial needs. Did you not once think about how I'd feel about this? I mean it is my life and last time I checked I had control of it... not you."

"I know, I know and I'm sorry. I truly am. Clarke, please, I beg of you, let's just go so we could feed you and I promise we could go and figure out how to turn you back."

"What happens to me if I don't feed?"

"Your body will eat away at your insides and within a few hours you will die for good this time."

Clarke sighed and closed her eyes, "Deal. I'll go with you."

Lexa gave her a small smile and nodded, she walked away, Clarke followed behind her.

"How are we going to get out of here?"

"Easy. We go through where we entered in from, the vam-portal."

Clarke gave her a confusing look, "Huh?"

"I don't know why we call it a vam-portal, we just do. Basically anyone can enter and I wouldn't be surprised if we did come home and find piles of dead people on the floor since people are nosey... Maybe I'll tell you more about its history later on. Only vampires like us can leave this place. I mean we are only 30 feet underground," Lexa explained.

"I'm sorry, I still can't get my mind wrapped around the fact that I'm a vampire," she mumbled.

"Just out of curiosity... Have you even heard of a vampire?"

"Well duh. I've heard about them a few times when I was younger. I was never into Supernatural so I never thought about them again till now."

Lexa stopped and turned to face Clarke, she stretched her arms out, " Well lucky for you, you are one and not many people are in this world. Anyways, you know what to do..."

Clarke sighed and wrapped her arms around Lexa's neck, she hopped up and Lexa caught her. Lexa smiled, "See, that wasn't so bad."

"I just don't know why I can't go up without your help. I mean I am a vampire."

"Yes that's true. But you haven't fed so you're weak. I'm surprised you're able to walk and talk."

Clarke chuckled, "Come on let's go."

Lexa nodded then closed her eyes, she telepathically spoke to Octavia before jumping off.

O, make sure Luna knows what happened when she comes back, I know you've been listening.

You know me so well. Don't worry, I got you, just go and take care of your girl.

She's not my girl.

Ha! Yet.

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