The Revenants

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“Damn, you're like The Flash! And I could do that too?” Lexa set Clarke down on her two feet in the woods.

Lexa smiled, “Yes, you certainly can. And I have no idea who The Flash is.”

Clarke dusted herself off, “No way! Yeah, you certainly have a lot of things to learn.”

“Hey, I know a lot of things… Clarke, you smell that?” Clarke looked at Lexa as her green eyes turned red.

She looked at Clarke, “Human,” they both hungrily said.

Clarke looked around for the human, “Over there,” she pointed.

Lexa spotted the person, “Okay, I have a plan. Clearly, it's hunting season… so instead of him spotting a deer, he sees you. You're going to act like you're lost, so you're trying to get his attention… all of it to distract him. That should be easy for you. Then he wouldn't notice me behind him and start firing at me. I'll attack him, once he goes down that's when you feed.”

“Why do you need a plan like that to go hunting? You're fast enough to attack him in a blink of an eye.”

Lexa huffed and rolled her eyes, “Way to ruin the fun. Fine, we'll do it your way then… princess.” She bowed at Clarke.

“Please, don't ever do-” Lexa dashed away. Clarke waved her hands in the air, “Great. Just great. Last time I checked, people don't dash away from their princess… people don't even dash at all!”

Clarke turned around and was face to face with Lexa, Clarke pressed her hand against her chest, “Jeez, you can't be doing that!”

Lexa dropped the dead man on the ground and wiped the blood off her mouth, “I'll think about it… okay, I thought about it and I decided to continue to scare you, 'cause it's fun. Alright, dig in!”

Clarke stared at the corpse and gulped, “I don't think I can do this. I know I need to but… I'll be sucking blood out of a human for Pete's sake. I can't do that to him.”

“Clarke, you do understand that he's dead, right?”

Clarke rubbed the back of her neck, “I know but… His eyes are open and it's just staring at me.”

Lexa shook her head and sighed, “This is talking too long. I'm sorry, but I’m going to need you to feed,” Lexa flashed over to Clarke and pushed her to the ground so that she's kneeling next to the corpse. Lexa pressed Clarke's face against the hunter's neck where she had impaled him with her deadly fangs.

Clarke tried to pull away, but Lexa was a lot stronger than she thought she was. Blood from the wound started to stream into Clarke's mouth, Clarke could feel her fangs coming out as her tongue grazed over the fresh blood.

Clarke moaned in satisfaction, she sunk her fangs further into his neck and started drinking his blood as she enveloped her arm around his head pulling him closer.

Lexa sighed in relief and let go of Clarke, she walked over to the nearest tree and sat down leaning against it. Lexa bent her back and close her eyes, she wanted to show Clarke that being a vampire wasn't such a bad thing.

The hairs on Lexa's arm rose, she quickly opened her eyes and looked around for anything that seems suspicious nearby.

L- Clarke, I think someone is spying on us. We need to go.

C- No, not yet. Give me five more minutes.

L- We don't have five minutes, Clarke.

C- Ugh… Dammit, fine.

Clarke got up from the ground and stretched her arms out, “Wow… that was... I never thought that could ever taste that good! I remember it tasting like… bleh.”

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