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4 Dreadful Months later...


I woke up with the feeling of pain, not much pain but pain that was maintainable. I shook it off and tried to go back to taking my nap. After five minutes I felt sharp pain from my stomach causing me to sit up. "Damn baby boy, why bring me pain?" I asked, trying to keep it together. Suddenly, I felt a tinkle then it progressed and that's when I quickly grabbed my phone to call Noah.


"My water broke!" I said as I held onto my belly, trying to manage the pain. Before I could hear what he had to say, the pain was getting so worse that I dropped my phone, clenching my belly. "MOMMM!" I screamed in pain. I couldn't take this shit anymore, I was ready to push this baby out of me.

My mother rushed in and immediately called 911. I looked over at my mom and just started feeling hot flashes, becoming hotter and sweatier.... After another five minutes of hot flashes my body gave up on me. I saw completed darkness.

I was rushed down the hall holding Noah's hand as I cry in pain. "Everything is going to be alright baby, you got this." He said giving me a flashy smile. I weakly smiled trying to ignore the pain.

By the time we rushed into the room, nurses scurried across the room getting me prepared to have a baby. After at least twenty minutes, they did what they needed to do and told me that the baby was ready to come out. I looked over at Noah and held his hand and grabbed my mom's hand on the other side.

Noah winked at me, "Baby you got this."

I looked over at my doctor and he gave me a smile. "Okay when I say push you push okay?" I nodded and prepared myself to push. "Push!" He said. I squeezed both of their hands and started pushing. As I started pushing, amounts of tears started pouring out.

"Good job baby, you're doing great!" Noah said excitedly. My mom started to get a little excited like, I could feel her vibes.

"Push!" The doctor said again. I pushed this time, with a powerful force. I was halfway there and suddenly heard my baby's cry. The doctor looked up at me and gave me some assurance, "Push one more time!"

Without any hesitation I pushed him all the way out. I looked up to see both Noah and my mom crying at once. Seeing them cry, only made me cry even more. "It's a girl!!" One of the nurses squealed.

My heart rate sped up, "A girl? I thought it was a boy." I said excitedly.
"We did too! The way the umbilical cord was covering her part, we thought it was a male!" The doctor said as him and the nurses were cleaning the baby. This day was getting better by the second, this is the best chance I could ever have raising a little girl into a Queen.

After they cleaned the baby up, they asked Noah to cut the umbilical cord. He agreed and started to get to cutting. My mom was tearing up as she snapped pictures. When he was done, the nurse gave her to me all wrapped up.

As soon as she was in my arms, I couldn't stop smiling. She made my day a thousand times better as I looked at her. I looked up at Noah and saw him looking at her. "Zahara, we made a beautiful little girl." He said. I nodded with agreement and gave her to Noah so he could hold her.

Noah smiled so hard, "Hey its me, Daddy." The baby made a little noise which made all of us giggle at once. After that my mom got to hold her and then it all came down to one little problem. What am I going to name her? This whole time we thought we was having a boy and that's what I was simply focused on.

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