Chapter 2

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"Lucia, honey, wake up. We're at Canterwood."

I jolted upright and saw the beautiful, lush, green, rolling landscape and the beautiful buildings. We drove down a street and I saw the huge barn. It was gorgeous and made me wonder if I deserved to ride here. I mean, I am not that good. We parked and my parents left to check in while I haltered Hermes and walked him inside. There were many stalls, but the students' ones were mostly empty. I ran my fingers over the gold nameplates on the doors. Charm, Aristocrat, Black Jack, Sunstruck- I wondered if Hermes had a nameplate, or if his was blank. I scanned the stalls, and found his stall. I turned to Hermes and said, "This is it, boy. This will be your new home."

I lead him into his stall and latched the door. I skipped back to the truck, and grabbed the tack trunk. I rolled it into the barn and set it in front of Hermes's stall. I walked into the stall and climbed onto his back. I laid there, relaxing, and felt Hermes relax. I started to drift off to sleep, but was jolted awake. "Lucia! Lucia! Where are you Lucia?" I heard my mom call out. I sat up and said, "Here, mom." I jumped down and came out of the stall. I walked with my mom and dad to the truck and we drove it a little further down the street to the dorms. I was in Butkis hall, and I quietly chuckled to myself. 

We unloaded the truck with bags upon bags and loaded down luggage carts. We wheeled my things to my dorm, room 26A. Nobody was in the room yet, because my room mate, Marlene Edwards, wouldn't be there for another two days. We set up everything the way Marlene and I had discussed, and I stood back in admiration. The room had gleaming hardwood floors, cozy cream walls, and wood furniture. I had placed a fluffy rug in the middle of the floor and my bedspread on my bed. Overall, the room was beautiful. My mom and dad looked at each other in a knowing look, and my dad said, "We have to go, sweetie. I think you have things under control. I love you." We hugged and said goodbye and I felt a rush of excitement. I wanted to explore the campus of CCA. 

I watched my parents pull away and flopped on the bed. I turned the television on and started watching Glee. As Kurt started his first song, I heard a loud knock at the door.


Oooooo what's going to happen? Who's at the door? 

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Sorry this part is so boring, the first 4 chapters or so will be kinda introductory chapters.



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