Chapter 7

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Hope you enjoy xx-Em
Chapter 7: Jacob & Grace

After Grace gave the phone to Charlie, he left the room and stood at the nurses station watching Grace with her Dad and watching Jacob work. He came to the realisation that no matter what Sam or Jacob said, this little girl needed her mum.
"Hello" came the voice from the other end of the phone, the voice he had wanted to hear for two years. She was like a daughter to him. "Connie?"
They talked on the phone for 2 hours catching up. They talked about everything: Grace, Maddi, Sam, Jacob, The Cancer, Work. Everything. Connie booked the next available flight for her and Maddi, right now as much as she loved Jacob, she needed to be with Grace. Whilst in New York, Connie had seen Michael Spence. They used to work together up on Darwin. He needed to come back to see his kids anyway so he got the same flight as Connie. They had become quite close over the past two years, and Grace knew as she had spoken to him multiple times and had become quite close to him too. But they were only just friends. The only man she ever truly loved was Jacob.
Charlie spoke to Connie about the flights and was going to meet her outside the hospital tomorrow at 1pm.

After he had gotten off the phone, Charlie walked into resus and told Grace all of the details. Now all she had to do was wait for tomorrow to come.

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