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Michaels pov
I heard a knock on the door. I left it for one of the boys to open. I heard voices. All girls but one stood out. Heathers.

I jumped out of bed and fixed my hair in the mirror before going out into the living room.

She had a small smile on her face when she saw me. I sat on the couch next to her and left a gap between us. She moved closer to me.

I thought back to the day she had a panic attack when the waiter came by the table. It made me smile that she wasn't afraid of me.

"I really like your hair" I said twirling some around my finger.

"I like yours too" she brought her hand up and pushed some off my forehead.

"What color should I dye it next?" All of a sudden she froze.

"Heather?" I shook her gently.

No one else seemed to notice us.

"I'm sorry" she whispered.

"No Heather it's ok. You don't have to answer. It was just a stupid question" I reassured her.

She let out a breath of air before falling back against the couch.

"I'm really sorry that just happened Michael" her voice was small and quiet.

"What did just happen?" I asked.

"Oh Michael we need to talk" Linsey jumped up grabbing my hand.

"What?" I chuckled at her excitement.

"I need to ask you for a huge favor"

"I'm listening" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Me and Tessa have to go to Nevada so we can try and sell some more stuff and I was wondering if you could run the store while we're gone" she looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Why me?" I groaned.

"Well because your amazing" she punched my shoulder.

"Fine" I finally gave in.

"You'll be all alone with Heather for 3 days" she winked. "Oh one more thing she doesn't know yet. I'm gonna tell her in like 2 minutes but I think she trusts you the most out of all of the boys"

I nodded and felt my heart beating. Everyone was quiet and watching us as we walked back into the living. I took my spot next to Heather while Linsey sat on Calum.

"Aye get your own seat" he said laughing.

"I've already got one" she smirked.

"Anyways we have to tell you that me and Linsey are going to Nevada for 3 days" Tessa spoke up.

"Your leaving?" Heather asked quietly.

"We're not leaving you alone" Tessa said softly. "Michaels gonna be there"

"Wait what?" Calum asked.

"Everyone calm down. Tessa Michael and Heather in the kitchen" Linsey instructed.

I could feel the guys eyes shooting daggers at me as I went into the kitchen. I wasn't worried about this conversation. I was worried about my conversation with Luke Ashton and Calum.

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