The park

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Michaels pov
It turns out that they didn't actually go to lunch. They drove around town and found a park and suggested we go there after we ate.

By the time we finished the pizza and everyone got in the car it was dark. You think getting 7 people over the age of 18 into one car would be easy but nope. Not with this group.

"Whoa a park" Luke said sarcastically. "How amazing"

"I think it's nice" Calum muttered rolling his eyes.

Tessa let out a laugh and said "of course you think that"

"Guys can we just walk?" Linsey asked.

Walking with this group wasn't as easy as it should of been either. We stumbled over each other's feet crashed into each other and pushed each other off the path.

"We're idiots" Tessa said.

"Don't do it" Linsey warned.

"Don't wanna be an America idiot" I yelled.

"One nation controlled by the media. Information Age of hysteria" me and Calum sang loudly together.

"The subliminal mind-" Linsey slammed her hand over my mouth before I yelled out the f word.

"Kill joy" I muttered. No one understood since it was muffled by her hand.

"I'm not letting you yell that in the middle of the park" she whispered harshly.

I smirked and pushed her away to catch up with the others.

I flipped her off " I didn't say it" I yelled over my shoulder.

"You suck Michael" she groaned.

I heard her foot steps behind me before she jumped on my back. I quickly caught my balance and grabbed her thighs to hold her up.

"Holy-" her hand went over my mouth again.

"Go horsey" she cheered.

I groaned and tried to go faster but I was barely even walking at my normal pace. Linsey got off my back after watching the others laughing ahead of us. Instead she grabbed my hand forcing me to run and catch up with them.

"That was a sight to see" Tessa smirked nudging me.

"I don't like her" I defended.

"Yeah I hate this guy" she pointed her thumb at me.

"We all secretly love each other" Calum spoke slinging his arms around me and Linsey.

I rolled my eyes but wrapped my arm around his back.

As we were walking down the path I started talking quietly with Heather but she was being quieter than normal.

I didn't realize something was wrong until she fell on her knees throwing up into the bushes. I quickly crouched next to her pulling her hair back.

When she finished she fell back in my arms almost asleep. I looked back at the others hoping they would give me some help.

"We should probably go home" Ashton mumbled.

"The car isn't too far away" Linsey informed.

"I've got her" I muttered shifting her so she was bridal style with her head on my chest. Short jagged breaths came from her lips and by the light from the street lamps I could see how pale her face had turned.

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