Maria Williams

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Michaels pov
"Hey" I yelled walking into the shop.

I turned around when I felt someone smack the back of my head. It was Calum who had an annoyed look on his face.

"Stop yelling" he grumbled.

"Sorry" I laughed "where's Heather?"

Linsey smirked at me. "Why?"

"I want to see her" I whined.

"What about us?" Tessa challenged.

"Your over rated" I rolled my eyes.

"Rude" Linsey yelled.

"Just kidding I love you guys" I smiled pushing the door to the back room open.

Heather was laying on the couch in there with her back facing me. She didn't turn to face me so I assumed she was sleeping. I stood at the door for a few seconds before laying down behind her. That's when she turned over burying her face in my chest.

"Your up?" I questioned.

She nodded but wouldn't look at me. I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back.

"Are you ok?" I whispered into her hair.  She wouldn't answer me and she wouldn't look at me. It wasn't long before I felt her shaking with sobs and her tears through my shirt.

"Sweetheart what happened?" I asked worriedly.

She pointed to her phone which was laying on the ground. I reluctantly let go of her and picked it. There was a news article that said Maria Williams confirmed dead.

I sunk to my knees in front of Heather and placed my hand on her forearm so she would look at me "Who is this?" I whispered.

"My mom" she sobbed again.

I furrowed my eyebrows and scrolled down the news article trying to find out more. I remembered Heather saying her mom left when she was little. I started tracing shapes on her arm still keeping my eyes on her phone.

"But she left" I whispered.

Heather sat up wiping her tears "When she left there was always a part of me that hoped she would come back. That I would see her again. But now it will never happen"

I stood up and hugged her. I laid my head on hers rubbing her back. This was such a terrible thing to happen. Heather had enough going on she didn't need something like this to worry about.

I brushed my thumb under her eye and pecked her forehead.

"I'll make sure everything turns out ok" I whispered laying my head on hers again.

"We use to do everything together" she started. "We would bake things and once we even wrote a song together. On days when my father was angry she would get my sketch book and we'd go up in the tree in our back yard and draw"

"Wait" I said glancing around the room.

I told Heather to sit on the couch while I got her sketch book from the corner of the room. The unopened box of colored pencils laid next to it.

"Draw your mom for me" I said softly. I sat next to Heather with my arm around her back while she started drawing.

"What do you think?" She smiled turning to show me.

"I think it's beautiful" I whispered against her lips.

I carefully ripped the paper out of her book and taped it to the wall.

"In memory of her" I smiled.

Colors/Michael Clifford Where stories live. Discover now