Prologue Part 1

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July 20, 2012

My body feels like it is about to turn to complete mush as I place my wet swimsuit into my locker after practice. I brush my hair and grab my bag as I head out of the locker room of the Grassy Pond Aquatic Center (GPAC).

"Oh shit, Dylan! You scared the hell outta me!" I yell and playfully hit his arm as I run right into him when I enter the hallway. Dylan pulls me into the closest corner and kisses me with force and desire. He has the perfect body, perfect hands, perfect mouth, just damn near perfect everything. He's like a bad habit I can't break, my own form of crack. Once I got one taste of him, I had to have more. I'm freakin' strung out on Dylan Sloan. As he kisses my lips, my body falls into his control. Just as my body moves in rhythm with his, I'm brought back to reality with the shutting of the locker room door. I pause briefly, but when I realize it's a few freshman, I smirk at Dylan and continue for a few more moments before using every ounce of strength I have to push his smoldering lips off mine.

"We better stop. If Coach sees us, then we'll have to work double time tomorrow."

"Charley, really?" Biting the corner of my lip, I smile at him. He takes me by the hand and pulls me through the exit and straight toward the parking lot.

"What are you doin'?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

"We're finishing this out here since you're afraid coach is gonna catch us," he says with a smirk.

Placing my hands on my hips playfully, "Dylan Sloan, I know you don't think you're going to have your way with me in the pool parking lot do you?"

A flash of annoyance runs across his face, "Come on Charley, you're seriously gonna just stop after getting me worked up like that?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I wrap my arms around him, and kiss him gently. As I pull away, he places his forehead on mine.

"You do realize you're gonna be the death of me?" I don't reply, instead, I kiss him sweetly one more time.

"There's a party tonight at Trent's on the West Side. You're going with me. I'll pick ya up around seven."

"I'll get Piper to cover for me," I say with a wink. Since Dylan and I have started dating, Piper has been my cover more than once. There's just something about Dylan. He's always ready to have a good time and I've always liked to let loose just enough.

"I like the way your brain works." He slaps me playfully on the ass as we walk to our cars.

"Just text me the plan. I can't wait to see you tonight." He kisses me one more time before I get into my Honda and text Piper before heading home.

Me: U got plans 2nite?

Piper: Heard there's a party on West Side.

Me: Dylan wants me to go with him & I need


Piper: U got it, might see u there Justin txt me


Me: Ur the best, I'll fill you in on the night


I turn on the dirt road that leads to our farm. Knowing I'm about to lie to my parents, I put on my game face as I approach our old farmhouse. I notice my mom and dad are loading up the Chevy 2500HD and cow trailer. That's weird. I cut off the car, grab my swim bag and walk toward the truck.

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