Nako's Team 3 and Naruto's Team 7

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I held Naruto's hand as we walked to the class. Everyone stared at us in awe probably surprised that we, the Uzumaki twins, actually passed the exams. All the chattering immediately stopped when Iruka Sensei walked in. "I'll be announcing teams first up team 10 Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akamichi, Shikamaru Nara, team 8 Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shiba Aburame, Team 7 Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Team 3 Nato Uzumaki, Rin Hatake, Shikara Nara." "Sensei why do I have to be with an idiot like Sasuke" yelled an unhappy Naruto. "well, Naruto Sasuke had the highest score and you and Nato are tied for the lowest" Naruto pouted and i just squeezed his hand to calm him down "its okay brother were still gonna be Hokage" i smiled at him. "Okay class get to know your new team while you wait for your Sensei." I walked over to Rin and introduced my self, "Hey I'm Nato Uzumaki it's a pleasure to meet you" Then Shikara came "introductions are such a drag I'm Shikara Nara" "I'm Rin Hatake" the three us us instantly became best friends.

Team 3 and team 7 were the last to meet there sensei's. "Ugh what's taking them so long, Naruto do you wanna pull a prank". "Let's do it". I went and drew all over the chalk board then erased it handing the eraser to Naruto who then attached it to the door. We sat down and watched as two Jounin walked. I nearly fell of my seat laughing. The female Jounin had a vein popping put of her head the the silver head male just said "my first imoression of you 6 is I hate you all. Meet us on the roof." We all started running to the roof. "Alright I am team 3's Sensei and my name is Tsurah and team 7's Sensei is Kakashi Hatake. The 8 of us will be working together."

A/n so Tsurah is the daughter of Lady Tsunade and Jirah, the picture is her. Rin is Kakashi's younger cousin, Shikara is the twin of Shikamaru. Any other questions feel free to drop a coment. Ttyl my little waffels

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