Team 3 Vs The Hidden Mist

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"According to this encryption on the wall we gotta open the scrolls so Rin can you open the Earth while I open the Heaven"

"Sure thing ShikaChan..."

"Shika can you explain encryption aloud" I had a hard time trying to figure it out

"So troublesome.. well it says 'If qualities of heaven are your desire acquire wisdom to take your mind higher, if earthly qualities are what you lack train your body and prepare to attack. When heaven and earth are open together the perilous path will become righteous forever this is the secret way that guides us from this place today.' , any other questions NaChan"

"I understand now thanks Kara"

"Rin on the count of three were gonna open it got it"


"1....2...3... open"

Shikara and Rin lighting fast opened the scrolls. Puffs of smoke started appearing out the scrolls. They each threw it on the ground, nervously waiting to see what happens. As soon as the scrolls hit the floor a brown haired Ninja appeared from the smoke.

"I'm Izumo Kamizuki and I came to congratulate you guys on passing the Exams please follow me so we can start the next stage" Izumo fixed his hair so I completely cover right eye before leading us out the room.

I followed Rin and Shika with buterflies attacking my stomach. We were lead to the middle or the battle arena were all the other passing nins awaited. My tounge glided over my sharp teeth nervously.

"My name is Hy....ate and since there are two many..... of y'all we will be hol.....ding a prelim....inary rounds to see who get to move on...if you take a look at the screen.... above me, it shows who's gonna fight it's a completely randomized selection."

My heart was pounding in my chest as nerves racked my body.

"First match is Uzumaki Nato of the Hidden Leaf vs Dono Shu of the Hidden Mist, please clear the floor and have opponents meet near the middle"

I looked Shu dead in his green eyes. He seems cold and passive much like Sasuke to my distaste. His blond hair was tied in a pony keeping it out of his face.

"You may begin the match I'll only intervene if absolutely nessesary"

Shu charged at me, Kunai in hand. I took out a few shurikan, throwing them at Shu for a momentary distraction. As he ws working on deflecting my shurikan I created a shadow clone to take my place. I reached into my pouch, grabbing a smoke bomb, throwing it, before making my escape into the trees.

My clone lost in the taijutsu battle she and Shu was having forcing her to poof away. I did a back flip out of my tree, purposely causing Shu to notice me.

"So that was a shadow clone I fought"

"Sure was now I'm gonna get serious and your gonna loose to me, you will never beet the great ninja ever because I'm gonna be Hokage some day, BELIVE IT"

I stuck my tounge out just I a preformed my sexy jutsu. Blood came gushing out of Shu's nose but he was still standing.

"I guess I need to kick it up a notch don't i"

I created 20 sexified shadow clones. Shu started wobbling on his feet fighting to keep from passing out. All 20 of us blew a kiss in Shu's direction when finnaly he gave in and passed out, right in the middle of the battle field.

"The winner of the first match is Nato Uzumaki"

I released my clones and jutsu as I jumped around in victory just as I felt a sharp pain at the base of my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut hopping to block out the pain I felt. I could feel Lare's Chakra trying to overpower mine as marks started spreading throughout my body, when I started shaking violently Tsurah and Kakashi Sensei ran up to me just as I blacked out.

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