Part 7

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Part 7- B Imagine

B pulled the keys from the ignition and got out of his jeep, I followed behind him to the front doors of the building. He scanned his key and let us into the building. We got onto the elevator and just before it closed someone slipped in.

"Y/N! Funny meeting you here again."

I laughed, "Hi, Parker. It's a bit earlier today."

"I don't work the same hours on Fridays."

I nodded, then realizing B was somewhat awkwardly standing there I introduced them.

"Parker this is Brendan, Brendan, Parker."

They nodded at each other.

"Nice to finally meet ya bud, I'm a big fan." Parker said.

"Thanks man. I appreciate the support."

The elevator dinged at Parkers floor, "See ya later guys."

"Bye." B and I said in unison.

"How'd you meet Parker?"B asked as soon as the doors closed.

"I met him right here on the elevator." I laughed.

"Oh, okay. What do you know about him?" B asks.

"B, I literally only know his name and that he lives on floor 12, plus now I know he works late too. Why?Are you jealous B?" I smirked. That is what it sounded like to me anyways.

"No, I am defiantly not jealous." B wouldn't look at me, I giggled.

We got off when the elevator doors opened and walked towards B's door.

"Oh, yeah. B, I need a key for the apartment."

"I'll get one made for you tomorrow. I'm gonna go take a shower."

I let B go and shower and plopped down onto the couch. I was about to turn on the T.V.when the doorbell rang. The water was already running in the bathroom so I knew B wouldn't come out to answer it, or worse come out naked while I opened the front door.

I swung open the front door, only to see Parker.

"Oh, hi, Parker. What's up?" I wondered why he was here.

"Y/N, I think you dropped this in the elevator." He extended his hand which was holding my white iPhone. Wow, how could I have dropped that?

I took my iPhone back, "Wow, thanks so much. How the hell did I drop this?"

Parker laughed, "I don't know but I took the courtesy of adding my number in for you. Text me. He winked and walked away.

Wow, he was smooth, and really hot, and omg! I have a boyfriend, not that I can't think other guys are attractive when I'm in a relationship, right?

I shut the front door and turned on my phone to find Parker's number. When I found it, I clicked 'Send message'

I typed, 'Thanks for bringing my phone back. Can't believe I was so clueless to drop my phone in an elevator, at least it was you who returned it.'

I re-read the message and then added a funny emoji and clicked 'Send'

Parker replied sooner than I expected.

' It's no problem, really. I'd do anything to make you happy. I'd like to get to know you better. I know you have a boyfriend and that doesn't bother me one bit but how about lunch tomorrow? A friendly lunch, nothing more. Let me know, I'll make reservations.'

Hmm, how could someone be so confident. A friendly lunch tomorrow? I would love to, but that means I can't get totally wasted tonight and it actually doesn't really bother me anymore.

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