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Prologue:Chapter 1

It was cold. So cold that he, even he, was shivering. He had felt this kind of cold only once before, long ago. He was old. He knew that.

Then The Cabin came into view, through the mighty oaks and the beeches, blending in with the snow, so that only by their black markings could he see them.

The Alamo, home base, operations, these and many more was it known as, but to him, it was always the cabin. it was an old two story house, built years ago.

By who? He did not know, and, probably never would. Be saw the smoke rising out of the chimney and smiled. He would be home again. He sighed. The beauty of nature always seemed to take his breath away. Just the peacefulness of it was so....magnificent. like a bird taking flight, the rising sun.

Ah, yes the rising sun, such beauty in it. The colors, the sounds, the overall welfare of each and every sunrise amazed him. He heard the birds chirping. Crows with their swearing and complaining, but they did alert him when something, anything was moving in the woods.

By now the woods were such a part of him that he knew almost everything about it. Almost everything, as no one can know everything there is to know about something.

When he walked into the cabin he heard the hardwood and pine needles popping on the fire. He smiled again and thought of his chair. he came into the main room and saw it. He did not use words like you and I, living room was main room and den was bedroom. He wasn't too old, he could still handle himself in a fight. He was about 40 or 50 in that life, although in one he lived to be 80.

" Worldrunner how are you man?"an old friend said " C'mon Red gimme a break, you've asked me that about 12 times today!" Worldrunner said wih a smile. Red and Worldrunner had been best friends ever since they met each other.

"I just want to find out if you're okay?"Said Red with a mischeivious glint in his eyes.

"Hey, have you seen Clove?" "No I haven't,why'd you ask Red?" "she's been gone for 2 days now man, I'm worried."a knock at the door started them. "think it's the FBI again?"

"Well if it is, I'm a be pissed. They were looking around and I through a brick at em, saying that them and their coppers wouldn't take me, no way."

"Wow. Genius move Red" Red just shrugged. Worldrunner opened the door and Clove was there with a few logs of wood. She was 2 years younger than Red and Worldrunner and was Red's wife. She had green eyes and dark green hair.

"I see that you got the wood, thanks" "Well, somebody had to do it and I was bored." Clove walked in and Worldrunner shut the door behind her. "How many trees did you cut down?" asked Worldrunner. " Only 4, and they were dead Great Oaks." You see, he lived in a different dimension, much like ours, except with a few minor tweaks in plant and animal species. Great Oaks were able to grow up to 200 feet in the right conditions. The ones she cut were only about 20 feet tall." Want to help me collect the rest of it" "Sure."

Hello, people this is my first ever thingy on Wattpad. Ok now for some background , I first started imagining Worldrunner when I was 8 years old and have been continuing it ever since. Don't forget to leave a comment to tell me what you think!P.S. that includes complaints and advice about the wording, and if the wordings too difficult for you. I will hopefully continue this soon. and I'm new to wattpad, so if some experienced wattpad users would tell me how to do things, it would be very helpful.=D

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