Chapter 5 : The Survival

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1's P.O.V

As I sprinted thruogh the undergrowth-


"Wait, wait just a second!" The man paused for a brief moment.

"So you're telling me that they sent all the experiments into a free-for-all?" It was Sol's voice.

Worldrunner's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "No, they sent us to a wonderful fairy land, FILLED with cotton candy trees and BLUE WATER!"

Sol sputtered for moment before regaining his composure. " Hey, I'm just asking. Two weeks is a pretty small amount of time to learn something."

"Nooooo, it's the combination of two millennia. DUH, I'm not stupid! But just to clear it up I'm not sure if it was two years or two weeks,...... so ... yeah...i guess."

Sol raised an eyebrow. " your m-" he was cut off by the Worldrunner."On with the story."

"But-" Again, he was rudely interrupted by the Worldrunner.



As I sprinted thruogh the undergrowth

, I thought about a lot. 'Will I make it? If I do, who will finish with me? Will anyone from Group Omega make it, or will they all die?' As these thoughts echoed through my head, I found myself slowing down. I was now at a jogging pace.

'Maybe I can scavenge what's left after the initial bloodbath...' Apparently Somone else had the same idea, because I felt someone tackle into me. as I hit the ground they laughed. "Hey what's up man" 'I know that voice' as i snapped my head up i gave him a a good look. "What, do you really think I'd just cold heartedly kill someone?! From my own group?!" He said as he got off me. It was Subject 2.

"No I just thought you were..... ummmmm.... "I tried to think of a good excuse. 2 just looked at me with an "are you kidding me right now" look.

2 was about my height, with what was left of his hair was a deeper shade of orange than mine. His build was also a bit bulkier as well. "....... You just suprised me that's all."

"Uh-huh. Anyway, I was thinking of someone to pair up with, and I thought you might be interested." 'Oh,NO! I didn't want to pair up with anyone, not even 2! This wasn't a peaceful world. He could backstab me at any given moment!'

But the more I thought about it the smarter the idea seemed.

Now, 2 wasn't the kind of person to ask for help from anybody. He was a bit of a 'lone wolf', so he'd probably be a little embarrassed. So I had to take it or leave it. It was a smart idea, but still, out here, when no one is watching anyone could get you.

I thought. 'its too early for this tough decision! Like, we only JUST STARTED!' But, then again, he could always leave and have someone else could face him.

"Fine, I'll travel with you." A little voice in my mind said 'This is a HUGE mistake' but I just brushed it off.

"Really?!" he sounded surprised. I turned on my heel. " Would I lie to you?" As I started to walked the opposite direction, I heard 2's voice. "Wait, where are you going?!" I stopped to look at him.

"I'm going to circle around a bit and look for the supply area." As I turned back around and walked, I heard 2's heavy footsteps rushing to join me.

--------------- A short trip later---------

"Can you see anything?" "No, I can't see anything."

2 and I were crouching in some bushes at the edge of a clearing, where we could see the supposed supply area."I count 12 bodies." "Same here. 1, Do you suppose it's safe to move now?" I turned to glance at him, then back at the scene before me.

In one word, it was just terrible. Blood was everywhere and the bodies of subjects we did and didn't know littered the ground.

In the center of it all was a large stack of crates about six feet in height, length, and width. But that was mostly gone. In it's place stood a mess of boxes with dark pools of blood on them

I swallowed hard.

There wasn't any movement in the clearing or the bushes around, and I couldn't hear anything except for the rustle of the grass and a few birds. The few boxes with supplies still on them, but there were very few of those. I nodded to 2." I'll go around the right, you go on the left, okay?" He nodded, and we set out into the sea of carnage.

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