Chapter 4: Part 1 "The Beginning

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Hellooooooooooooooooooooo people guess what time it is :D!!!! IT'S UPDATE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! So apparently, ive got 2 votes, about 13 reads, and 3 fans ...... within the first month..... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! That's a major accomplishment. I know this story probably wont get any recognition, but who cares, Its story time!!! oWo


Day 1-14

" Well, the first thing I do remember is having my foot fall asleep, which to me was new at the time. That was around day 7. Anything before that im not sure of..... anyway by day 14 I had been introduced to my teammates. We were part of a special program designed to be super soldiers. My group, being the first successful group, was 'Alpha Group', then we had Beta, and Gamma. Oh, and we also had a Omega group, the last to be issued. They were the regular group, just plain humans. No special abilities, no irregularities, the control group. Each group had 13 or so us. Now, since you've had a bit of exposition time to get started.

'Subject 1' enters the dark room. The moment he steps in the room, the room lights up, leaving him blinded for a moment. 1 is a male standing about 5'1" and looks to be around 14 or 15. He has short army cut SUPER ginger hair. He is dressed in a white t-shirt with the number '1' on it, and green army pants. As the lights come up, he sees his other teammates. There are 6 male and 5 female, all about , his age. The numbers go in a clockwise fasion , all the way up to 13.

A very loud and clear voice comes on the speakers. "Subjects of Project S.S.P, The Official has granted you permission to be able to walk in or out of the main compound building, in return for further cooperation of tests without rebellion. Thank you, that will be all." As the voice echoed around the empty halls, the Subjects whispered among themselves." Is he for real?!" " Wow, they're actually letting us go outside!" But all voices abruptly ceased as the walls of the room opened and brilliant daylight flooded in.

Sure they had heard of the outside from the tests, but it was more beautiful than they could have ever imagined. They heard the birds singing and felt the wind blowing softly. Subject 1, being the leader of Group Alpha, ventured out with caution. Among the tales from the tests were rumours of hidden danger in the outside world. The rest of the group followed him with hesitation.

But as they went further into the outside the more delighted they became. And to the left and right of them, the other groups were also filing out. They all waved excitedly to each other. The voice on the loudspeaker came on. "Today, all groups will be participating in a survival excersize. You will be competing for everything, even your very lives. Only 3 Subjects will be allowed to survive this compitition." Silence. They all stared at each other in shock. 12. Only 12 of them would survive this. the other 40 would die. " You will be competing in the woods directly in front of you. about five kilometers to the north, you will find supplies and gear you will need. you will be cowed there until only the 12 remain. you may pair up in alliances if you'd prefer. And a side note: the elements and animals will be there as well. Good luck! When I give the signal you may begin."They all took up running positions." START!"They all sprinted in to the under brush. Little did they know, the woods were full of The Officials traps!

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Such shock. much action. so much fear so doge

SOOOO HOW DO YOU THINK IT WENT? WHAT WILL HAPPEN? WHO KNOWWWWS *The Twighlight zone music starts up* WWWOOOOAAAHHHH!!!!!! But really what will happen? tell me what you think in the comments.

It's been *gasp* eighty-seven..... years.*gasp* I am sorry*gasp* please forgive me. between the Internet AND the computer plotting against me this took FOREVER to write.

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