Chapter 6

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Alice Liddell couldn't believe that she was sent back into her cell after simply saying, "Dr. Angus Bumby." The Cheshire Cat appeared as he said sarcastically, "Nice alibi, Alice. Now you're charged with prison escape and accusing a public figure. What else could go wrong? Oh, yes. Everyone and everything dying in Wonderland." Alice inhaled sharply, "Well I didn't hear you make any suggestions on what I should say to Captain Gordon and Bullock." The Cat replied, "Oh what does it matter? We're all doomed anyway." Alice put her head down in defeat. Tonight was her best shot of saving Wonderland and avenging her family's death. She blew it, of course. Now in mere moments, Bumby is going to come to her cell and make her forget everything. It would take something like that to destroy Wonderland forever. Gordon surveyed her though the security cameras as he stroked his chin with curiosity. "What's eating ya, Jim?" asked Bullock. "She accuses Dr. Bumby for crying out loud." Gordon looked at him and said, "Alice didn't looked like she was lying, and we even had her on a lie detector." Bullock narrowed his eyes at Alice and said, "I still think she's crazy. Not as crazy as the Joker, thank God." Meanwhile, Alice started weeping to herself at the thought of Wonderland's destruction. The Cat appeared and suggested, "If it'll make you feel better, you could go back to Wonderland and say your final goodbyes." Alice wiped off her tears and smiled at the Cat. The Cat nodded to her and disappeared. Then Alice focused on her thought of Wonderland and she fainted. That alarmed Gordon and a few guards. They rushed over to Alice to see if she's alright. At Wonderland, Alice came to everyone she knew to say her final goodbyes. The Caterpillar, the White Rabbit, the Box Turtle, the Duchess, the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the Dormouse, and even the Queen of Hearts were here to see Alice one last time. They all said their goodbyes and forgave Alice. They all agreed that Alice tried her hardest to save Wonderland. In a way, the Cheshire Cat took his last goodbye the hardest. He even allowed Alice to scratch his ears. Everyone took their last sip of tea and Alice said goodbye. Alice woke up in a hospital bed in Blackgate. Gordon noticed Alice had tears in her eyes. "What's wrong, Alice?" asked Gordon. Alice replied, "It's the end." She was sent back to her cell with an ice pack. It was revealed that when she transported herself to Wonderland, she fainted and hit her head on the floor. The doctors said that Alice somehow entered herself into a dreamlike state. That much was true, and Alice knew that she will never go back to Wonderland because Bumby was on his way to permanently make Alice forget everything. Gordon was on his way to talk to Bumby about Alice until Joker managed to somehow invade Blackgate Prison again! Word was going out that the Joker is holding the warden hostage. Alice realized that she could use the invasion to her advantage. She reached out to grab the keys of a dead guard and unlocked her cell. "Sorry, Bumby," said Alice to herself. "I won't give Wonderland up so easily." She got out, grabbed the deceased guard's gun, and ran to find Bumby. Bumby cowardly himself in a chapel. He just about to finish what he began years ago until Joker busted out and gathered as many men he could to invade the prison. Bumby snarled at the memory of Lizzie Liddell when she teased him and called him a "toadie". He made her pay and set the home on fire. What Bumby didn't count on was Lizzie's young sister Alice to survive the fatal fire. He was hoping that Alice wouldn't recall memories since taking over for Dr. Quinzel. Somehow her rehabilitation got her memories back. Alice was so far the most mysterious patient that any doctor ever encountered. She literally thinks that she is the Alice Liddell from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Much like a little man named Jervis Tetch who thinks he's the Mad Hatter. There was a report that he abducted a young blonde woman and called her "Alice." Luckily Batman came to her rescue and Tetch was put into custody. Now Bumby hoped that Alice won't find him. Meanwhile Alice was on her way to find Bumby. She found a wounded guard and demanded, "Where is Bumby?!" The guard replied, "Last I saw him, he was headed for the chapel." Alice found a paramedic and forced her to look after the guard. Then Alice took off to look for the chapel. Meanwhile, Batman is faced with a choice. Either he would kill Bane to stop his heart from charging up the monitor and the chair, or he would be electrified to death. Batman would end up killed; either way, Batman would be responsible for someone's death. Knowing that his faithful butler Alfred was still alive, Batman fought against Bane. He remembered what Electrocutioner said to him when they encountered each other at Penguin's cruise ship the Final Offer. "I'm-a kill you! Then I'm-a jumpstart your heart - and kill you again!" Batman planned to put Bane into cardiac arrest and then resuscitate him. Alice went through the halls with fury and pride. Nothing or no one can stop her. A few prisoners tried to rape and then kill her ended up with broken fingers and dislocated limbs. She had come this far and she won't let her family's death go unpunished. She nearly gave up when Wonderland was going to be forever destroyed. Now Alice was going to the last piece of her mission: make Dr. Angus Bumby pay. After defeating Bane, Batman was on his way to find Joker, and make sure he stays defeated and in incarceration. Bumby could hear Alice's footsteps as she came to the chapel. Then something hit him. He had no regrets of killing the Liddell after all these years. Bumby thought there was no way that she could prove an upstanding citizen like him would ever do such a heinous act. Little did they both know there was a surveillance camera in the chapel.

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