Chapter 15

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Matt POV
(Before the crash)

Ashley kisses me. I shouldn't be doing this. I know I shouldn't be doing this. Why am I?


The door bursts open, Alyssa's huge grin, falls, and her eyes widen.


"Alyssa!" I call after her, as she storms through the building. We make it outside, and she blindly crosses the street. "Alyssa-" the hard impacts of the car, that was rushing, hits her, and she falls, straight to the ground.

"Oh my God!" I gasp. I run to her. The man gets out of the car. I don't acknowledge him. I lift her face, and hold her in my arms. Her forehead, ripped apart with blood running out. This is all my fault. All of it. I was so stupid. I don't deserve her. I instantly call the police.


"Is she breathing?" I asked, flustered. My heart pounding.

"We'll have to check," the medic says. They get her into the ambulance, in a stretcher. I get in my car, and drive to the hospital, along with the rushing ambulance.


"I'm sorry, but you'll have to leave now. We need to do some tests, and surgeries," the nurse says to me. I nod, and leave, to sit in the waiting room.
Oh my God. Is she going to be okay? What have I done? Is she dead?

My head starts spinning, and I begin to feel light headed. "Excuse me, sir. Are you alright?" The young nurse asks.

"Y-yeah..." I blink my eyes open.

"Would you like some water?" She asks. I nod. She brings me a styrofoam little cup, with water.

"Thank you," I reply.

I sit there for 3 hours.

"Sir, may I speak with you?" The tall, lanky, Doctor says to me.

"Yes," I say getting up. He walks me just outside of the room.

"Now, this is a lot. You're her..." He trails off.

"Boyfriend..." I lie. I'm not really. Anymore.

"She's still alive. Barely. She wasn't breathing that well. Her heart almost failed..." He says. My heart pounds, faster.

"Oh my God," I whisper.

"Okay, well, I'm glad we got some of her information from you, as she was unconscious." He sighs. "She's had two concussions, broken her leg, and wrist. With several other bruises and cuts... But the biggest piece...Matt, she's lost her memory. A big chunk of it."

It feels like a dagger just shot through me. Tears well up. " much did she lose?" I choke out.

"Well, she doesn't remember her name, Matt. Nor her age, or anything. All she remembers is walking down a street," the doctor explains.

"She doesn't remember me?" I ask. He shakes her head. I begin to cry. She doesn't remember anything about me? I screwed up, so big, the person I love almost died. She won't remember I cheated on her. I could get her back. No, that's so selfish. Using her.

I still love her. I messed up, on accident. "So you said, her parents are both, dead?" The doctor asks. I nod.

"She has a few aunts, and uncles, and her younger sister."

"Ah, okay..."

"But...umm...her and her other relatives barely know she exists. It's been really hard for her..." I trail off.

"There's ways, Matt. There's ways we can help her, remember her past. Through photographs, videos, other keepsakes. Her memory might not be gone forever. There's a slight chance." The doctor explains. I nod, I tinge of hopefulness.

It'll probably be harder, as she doesn't have her parents. The people she spent the most time with. Wait, Alison. Her sister! "You may go in to see her. Be easy on her, not too fast." The doctor says, and leaves. I step in quietly. A nurse, is helping her with something.

"Hi," I say, softly. The nurse, smiles at me, and goes somewhere else in the room. Alyssa lays in her bed, several machines hooked up to her.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"Umm...I...sorry, Alyssa, I'll have to tell you later," i can't tell her yet. That I was her boyfriend. Was.

"Alyssa? Apparently that's my name..." She whimpers. "Ahh..." She cries. She holds her head. I step back, I can't stand to see her in this much pain.

"I'm sorry, she's gonna need to rest." The nurse, rushes over.

"It's fine. I'll be back tomorrow, Alyssa," I say. She looks, at me an eyebrow raised.


I rush to my car. I need to go get Alison. She's met me. I rummage through my car, until I find the light yellow, piece of paper. 428 Reynolds Street. Alyssa's grandmas' house. Sheer Ali is.

It's a long drive.


I get up to the door. Take a deep breath, and knock. I hear footsteps shuffling to the door. And old lady answers, presumably Alyssa's grandma. Alison is behind her. Her eyes wide.

"Matt?" She asks, astonished. "Why are you here? Did you bring Alyssa with you!" Her eyes light up. I sigh.

"You know this man?" Her grandma says. This is going to be a long talk.

They invite me inside, and I tell her everything, start to finish. Leaving out the part about me being a douchebag.

"Oh my goodness. This family, first her father, mother...she's lucky to be alive." Corley, her grandma shakes her head.

"Yeah, I'm here to get Alison, and possibly you. The doctors said, we can try to get her memory back, with photos, videos, keepsakes from her past. Also other figures from her past." I urge.

Corley, and Alison exchange glances. "Okay. I need to help. I have stuff in my attic. Come on guys," she gets up. She slowly walks up the stairs, and we follow.

The wall comes to a slant, with a door. She clicks the door open, and we climb in. She flicks on the light. "Alrighty, let's see what I have..." She walks to a stack of boxes. One of them is labeled 'baby pictures.'

She picks it up, and slams it onto the floor. She opens in to reveal, many photo albums.


The drive is kinda long. Corley, and Alison fell asleep in the back seats. So I just drove in silence. Stressing out, about Alyssa. We brought every picture, every keepsake we could find. Let's just hope this works.

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