• Summary •

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  "I think love is blind." She whispered, looking down at the floor, stuck in some daze.

    "What, why do you think that?" He wondered.

   "You can't can't see it or hear it." She mumbled.

   "I'm not following. What are you implying Stella?" He uttered baffled, trying to wrap his head around what she was saying.

   "You don't hear what people are saying or what your saying. You don't see what your doing. All you see is the person in front of you." Her voice coming out in a whisper. Bring her big brown puppy dog like eyes up to meet his gaze.

   "Depends on the person," Stiles concluded.

"What if that person is you?"


     I am so excited for this story. I know, know it sounds a little rusty, but it will get better
... I hope ...

     Also feedback would be nice, this is my first time writing and I would like to know what you guys think. I will be posting the first chapter very soon. Until the next update.

The Other Argent • Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now