• Flashbacks •

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I don't own teen wolf or any of the characters. I do own my version of Stella Argent.

Um can I get a Dylan O'brein with a Dylan Sprayberry on side please?

Chapter 01.


Have you ever lost someone close to you? Well Stella Argent has, many people to be exact. So after the death of her mom. Things took a big turn for Stella Argent.

Stella Argent the daughter of Kate Argent. Like Kate, Stella can kick some major werewolf ass. Unlike the other Argents, Stella did have the best record. Criminal record.

Stella wasn't the whole school type kind of girl. She didn't get straight A's. She was smart, but never wanted to show it. Growing up, Stella always felt like an outsider compared to the other kids.

Stella never really grew up with parents, her mom has been gone for most of her life. Kate was either killing werewolves or sluting it up with some guy.

Stella's dad, never took part in her life, she had never meet him. After the death of Kate things took a big turn for Stella.


Glass flew all throughout the air. Blood dripped down Stella hands, from all the glass. The ear piercing clash of the golf club bashing through the left passenger side of the red car, was like heaven to her ears.

Stella was full on pissed. If you ever got the chance to know Stella, then you would know that when she gets pissed, there is no going back. Some people would describe her as a ticking time bomb, just waiting to blow up. When she goes off, there is destruction.

Over the years people at her school have made a mental note, not to piss Stella Argent off, unless you feel like dying. Stella's boyfriend Brad, never made that mental note, because he decided to cheat on Stella with some random bitch.

Stella walked over to the front windshield, holding the golf club by the handle, in one hand. She stood face to face with the windshield, she stared at. She started getting flashbacks of all the things that had happened to herself as a kid. To be honest Stella didn't give a rats ass about Brad, but she had to have somewhere to direct her anger. After her "mom" died Stella felt utterly useless.

Anger spread through her veins, she gritted her teeth together. The hairs on her arms stood, like they were frightened by her. Her grip on the handle, tightened, she grabbed the golf club with both of her hands. Truth be told

Letting out a loud yell, she swung her hands down on the wind shield, so hard that the glass from the window flew up, puncturing her in the forehead. After seven more hits, there was barley anything left of the windshield.

Stella took a deep breath and stepped back, in awe of her masterpiece. Stella felt blood trickle down from her forehead, to her cheek.

That wasn't the thing that bothered her though, the only thing the bothered was the sound of the police sirens.

Stella looked down at the concrete, where piece of glass laid. The glass was reflecting something blue, Stella looked up from the ground and stared straight ahead at nothing.

She lifted her hands up above her head. The blue lights were put on her, the police were here.


The hand cuffs were digging into stellas skin, but after so many times of wearing them. They didn't see, to bother her anymore, Stella could barley feel it anymore.

Stella knew she could have made a run. After the death of Kate her mom all Stella wanted, was to feel something. Love. Sadness. Regret. But she didn't feel anything.

"Seriously, again Stella." The police officer said to me sounding disappointed. Stella just stared straight ahead, not replying.

"This is the second time this month, Stella." He said back concerned.

Unlike my parents officer Connelly actually cared for me and for the decisions that she was poorly choosing  to make.

" So um like, do I have reputation down at the police station." Stella asked jokingly while smiling hopefully.

Officer Connelly looked down at the teenage girl who appeared to be holding together just fine, but inside she was breaking.


When we entered the police station Stella noticed something different about the place.

"Woah, did you change the place up? I questioned.

"Yah, we changed the paint color." He replied.

Oh, well I love it. It is so much better than that ugly green that it was before." I replied.

"You come here way to often." He replied. Shaking his head back in forth, that kinda resembled a disappointment parents. Not that Stella would know, her mom was never around and her dad, well let's just say he is dead to her.

"Well you know maybe I wouldn't if you guys would stop catching me breaking the law!" I sarcastically exclaimed, while smirking.

"Well maybe if you didn't break the law, we wouldn't have someone to catch." He replied in a bitter tone, but Stella knew he wanted to laugh at her comment.

"True, true." I replied. He sat down in the chair next to his desk. He sat in his chair, in front of his desk. Stella knew what happens next, he would pick up the phone and call her uncle.


We got a new chapter here. The story is coming along. Also you guys got to see some flashbacks from Stella's past. Chapters are a lot longer now. Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes. More updates will be posted soon. - J

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