• Chaos Rising •

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02. Chaos Rising

"The only thing more shocking than the truth are the lies people tell to cover it up." -Anonymous

"I don't know. It doesn't look like much to me," Lydia replied. Looking down at her wrist unsurely, her statement made Stella roll her eyes.

"Your kidding right," Stella injected. Looking at Lydia like you would a psych patient.

"It's a pattern, it has to mean something." Allison added, trying to convince Lydia. The cousins stared at the strawberry blonde waiting for her reply. Lydia's eyes met Allison's but she quickly ripped her gaze away.

"You really think Scott's gonna know what's it is?" Lydia asked doubtfully. Stella walked back over to the bed and laid down on her stomach.

"No, but he might know someone who does." Allison desperately stated before adding. "It's worth a shot," Allison stated.

"How are you both so sure that it means anything at all?" Lydia asked, looking between the two brunettes.

"Because that girl wasn't just looking for Scott. It's like she needed to find him. Like she had to. And that means something." Stella said to Lydia trying to persuade her. Lydia nodded and grabbed her purse. Stella gave her a confused look.

"Well are we gonna go or what?" Lydia questioned. Allison grabbed her phone from the nightstand.

"Wait like now?" Stella asked wide eyed. Lydia gave a 'duh' look. A groan left Stella throat, she rolled over on her back on the bed.

Stella followed Allison and Lydia out Allison's bedroom. Stopping in the hallway and ran back into Allison bedroom, grabbing one her magazines.


"Oh my god check this out this girl is wearing duck tap has a dress!" Stella laughed shoving the magazine into the passenger seat, which also is Lydia's lap. Allison rolled her eyes. Lydia quickly grabbed the magazine and looked at it.

"I don't know what's worse, the fact that somebody made a dress out of duct tap or the fact that it somehow got into a magazine." Lydia replied. Lydia gasped before speaking up once again.

"After the removal process, her skin was red for 3 days after!" Lydia said.

"Well obviously duck tape isn't intended to bed made into a dress," Allison said. Quickly glancing at the magazine in Lydia's lands, before turning her gaze back to the road.

Lydia laughed at her comment. "That would be like making a dress out of hot Cheetos-," Stella spoke up. Stopping mid sentence before adding, "Actually you know what, that isn't such a bad idea." Lydia turned to Stella noticing that the argent was full on serious.


Stella climbed out of sleek black car shutting the door behind her. Stella looked around the property, her hunter senses heightening. The lawn was filled filled red solo cups scattered everywhere and kids dancing like their lives depended on it.

She tugged her leather jacket at the collar, before following along Lydia and Allison. In search for Scott McCall, when the trio finally found him, Scott himself spoke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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