• Shaken To The Core •

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"I just want to feel something. Lately you've only made me more numb." W.

chapter 02.


"There are three types of anger issues, that an individual can have. The first one being Overwhelmed Anger, which is caused by life demands that are way to much for an individual to cope with or accomplish.

The second type Self Inflicted Anger, which is directed towards yourself and may be cause by feelings of guilt.

Last and definitely not least Judgmental Anger, is directed towards others and may come with feelings of resentment.

Long before Kate Argent had died, Stella was forced to deal with her anger. Stella was the type of person who kept her all her feelings bottled up.

That didn't stop her from exploding out on someone, when things got tough. If your that unlucky someone, let's just say, you could die of frostbite.

Many people had tired to help by putting her in various rehab facilities. Where someone who blab in her ear all day long about how she was ruining her life and the others around her. Telling her that she could become a better person if she put in effort.

They never understood that, that wasn't what she wanted. All Stella wanted was for someone to listen to what she was feeling. Not have someone with the intelligence of a pig, tell her how she is suppose to feel.

Day by day she was forced to practice random acts of intelligence and senseless acts of self control.

All rehab did for Stella was make her even more pissed off than she already was.


The sound of arrows, flying through the air, and the loud tap they would make when they hit something, made Stella quiet down. Exploring was one of Stella's favorite things to do with her cousin when they were kids.

Stella came to a stop, when she saw her cousin standing about a half a yard away from her with her back turned to her. Stella picked up her pace to get to Her cousin.

Allison was spinning around in a circle aiming at all of the targets with a clean shot. Arrow after arrows hit the bullseye, Stella made her way in front of one of the targets.

Without noticing Stella's presence, Allison shot the arrow. A second later regretted the fact that she hadn't seen her cousin sooner. The arrow flew right at Stella's face, Stella lifted a hand up and caught the arrow that was about three inches away from her face.

Allison lowered her bow down, her face showed pure shock, her mouth hung open because of the fact that she almost shot Stella in the face, but that Stella had quick enough reflexes to catch the arrow.

Stella was unfazed by the arrow that was just shot at her. A smirk feel across Stella's face as lowered the arrow down from her face.

"I see your still as great of a shot as you were when we were younger." Stella announced, hold her ground. Allison watched Stella in awe. She almost took her cousins head of with an arrow, but Stella didn't seem to care one bit.

" I hope you weren't planning to take my head off with this." Stella stated in a joke tone. While speaking she wiggled the arrow around in fingers.

" Stella, oh my god are you okay, that was an accident I didn't see you and it was to late because the arrow had already left and I-." Allison babbled, only to have Stella's cut her off.

"Don't worry about it, no hard feelings." Stella replied. Allison smiled at Stella, both the girls ended up laughing it off.


"I haven't seen you in forever! I missed you so much, Ella!" Allison cried out in excitement. Stella smiled at the nickname Ali made for her when they were kids.

"I missed you to, Ali!" Stella replied. A smile found its way to both the girls faces. Stella leaned back, laying against the pillows that are sitting on Allison's bed.

It was the middle of the night and Stella was starting to feel sleepy. The two lamps in Allison's room, one of them being her on her bedside, along with the help of moonlight shinning through her window, brought light to Allison's room.

"Enough with the chit chat, now how about you catch me up on all things Scott McCall?" Stella asked moving her eyebrows up and down, making Allison laugh.

Allison's smile soon dropped when she spoke up, "Actually Scott and I broke up, I haven't seen him since I left for France." Allison said quietly. Allison squeezed her fist together, so that she wouldn't cry. Stella's smile fell right of her face.

"Ali I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Stella inquired, before pulling Allison in for a hug. Last time they had talked about Scott McCall, (hormonal teenage boy by day, werewolf by night) was during the middle of sophomore year.


This was a very sucky chapter and I really tried to make it good.

Unfortunately to have a good book you must have a good writer, and there isn't one here so ya:(

Anyway yay new update, I actually accomplished something for once:)

I will see all of you lovely people next update, which will be very soon!

The Other Argent • Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now