Two Days, In a Room

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"This is so boring" I complain rolling over on the couch. "This is all Leorio and his problems because HE CAN'T KEEP HIS GUY NEEDS TO HIMSEF AND JUST LET US WIN."

"Ehhhh BAKA it's not my fault I mean she looked like a boy and I thought she was." Leorio says back.

"NO SHE DIDN'T" I yell back.

"(y/n) calm down." Kurapika says calmly.

"How can you be so clam!? A good two days in this room alone. WE NEED TO GET OUT SO WE CAN BECOME HUNTERS." I am not calm in any of these situations. But honestly it was his fault. "Look, I did my part by trying to beat the first one but SOMEONE had to run on."

"You were going to die!" Killua yells back in defense.

"I could've killed him!" I argue back. "ANYWAYS Gon won his, Kurapika did his best, and then YOU yes you tried but, you had to buy us a good two days! TWO DAYS! Oh and it's great that Killua killed him for us, thank god!" I yell throwing my hands up and falling on the couch.

"(Y/n) just calm down look on the bright side we're here." Kurapika sits down next to be and puts his hand on my head and messes up my hair, I blush a little and look down. For a while I think I like Kurapika, I don't know if it's a silly little crush. I don't know man.

From the corner of my eye I see Killua with an almost mad look on his face.

Geez I didn't think he would be mad too.

"Look. We're this far might as well do somethings before we sleep, see we also get rest from all of that." Kurapika adds.

"Good idea Kurapika!" Gon jumps up. "Killua can I try your skateboard now?"

"Yea sure, just let me try your fishing pole!" Killua jumps up too.

"Wait Killua I wanna try your skateboard too!"' I jump up too.

"Okay, sure."

"Yessss. I call it first!"

"Whatttt no fair." Gon complains.

"Ha should've called it." I stick my tongue out at Gon.

"Fine." He hands me the skateboard.

I put the skateboard on the ground as Gon gives Killua the fishing pole. One foot (y/n), one foot at a time (y/n). Okay I have one foot on. Now the next one-

"Ahhhhhh!" I scream as I start to fall off the board. Closing my eyes I wait for the impact on the ground but it never happens and instead I feel two arms one on my back and one arm near my butt on I feel his hand touch my butt. Slowly opening my eyes I see a Killua looking at me and when he notices that I opened my eyes and he blushes.

"Kill you okay?" I ask him, I hope he doesn't have a fever.

"Y-yea I'm fine." He still looks away. "Just don't do that again you could've hurt yourself."

Before I can ask anymore question he sets me down back on the couch this time away from Kurapika.

[ Time Skip: sleeping ]

It's been half a day in this room, now everyone is going to sleep. I called the couch and right below the couch is Killua. Next to Killua is Gon and then Kurapika surrounded by books and I don't know what Leorio is doing, I never really pay much attention to him.

I must admit, I'm tired. Like really tired. After the whole skateboard thing I decided to read books but ones mainly fiction. I don't like anything else really, I got through one series and another one but half of it. Well I guess I should sleep, I really have all the time in the world.

Dream World:

"Gon?" I yell as I see him in the fog.

"(Y/n)... Come hereeee."

"Yess (y/n).. Come here.. We won't bite." I hear Leorio this time as he appears from the fog.

"(y/nnnnnn).. Don't be afraid." Kurapika says this time.

"(y/nnnnnnnnn)" Now Killua says.

Backing up I see a better view of my friends, they've all turned different. Some have different limbs missing and all of them have white eyes with blood covering their body.

"No.. No no no no no." I utter shaking my head as I back up and then suddenly I feel my foot slip and I just start falling backwards from the top of a cliff.

End of Dream.

"(Y/n)! (y/n)! (y/n)!" Someone says shaking my body. "Wake up!" Quickly I wake up and shoot by body straight up. I feel something wet on my forehead, moving my hand to my forehead I realize I was sweating. "Are you okay?!" The voice says again panicked, it takes a moment for my mind to register who it was but I find out it was Killua.

Before I can answer parts of my dream come back to me and I star shaking. "Yea, I-it was j-just a bad dre-eam." Parts of it keep coming back and when I look back at Killua he has blood covering his face and hair and his eyes are white. I screech a little and jump back.

"(Y/n) don't run away it's just me Killua. I haven't changed don't worry I won't hurt you."

Before I can object I feel his arms on my again but this time into a hug.

"Don't scare me like that, I woke up to you screaming, and just as I woke up you were about to fall off the couch but I caught you again." I still see a little panic in his eyes. "Sleep with me tonight I don't want you to have another bad dream."


"No, no but's I don't want you to get scared again especially by me. Leorio may be an exception but not right now." He says and that last part makes me smile. The next thing I know I'm buried in Killua's chest while his head rests ontop of mine. After a while I hear light snoring and I realize he's asleep , I guess I should too.

[ Time Skip: morning ]

"Shhh I think one's moving."

"Quickly pretend you weren't looking!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

Slowly I open my eyes to find out, I'm still in this goddam room. I try to sit up but I realize I can't because my waist is being pulled to Killua. I look over and blush realizing what everyone saw.

"Baka.." I whisper as I turn to look at Killua. "Kill, wake up." I say louder shaking him.

"Ngh, I'm up I'm up." He groans sitting up still holding me, but quickly realizes it, blushes and releases.

"So Killua you finally told her about her feelings?" I hear Leorio say.

"BAKA!" He screams and throws a pillow at his face.

"Awh come on how come you didn't you guys were practically cuddling until a couple of minute ago." Kurapika says which makes me blush.

"Just tell her." Gon says.

I turn to face Killua and see his face is really red. "Nee, Kill what are they talking about?" I ask.

He quickly turns his head and places both of his hands on my shoulder. "(Y/n)..." He starts. "Ireallylikeyou!" He says quickly then turns his head back and smashes his lips into mine.

"Baka I said tell not kiss!" I hear Gon yell in the background.

My eyes are still open but soon close as I melt into the kiss. I feel his soft lips against mine which strangely taste like chocolate.

I start to feel butterflies in my stomach. This is how I felt around Kurapika but when around Kurapika it wasn't as much as it is now. Could I have liked Killua this whole time? I mean I'm not objecting to this but he did take my first kiss. Slowly he pulled away and the whole room is quiet.

"Good job Killua you scared her." Leorio says leaning back.

"Gah!" Killua screams. "Gomen (y/n). It's just I've liked you for a while and-" Before I can let him finish I smash my lips into his and I can hear him gasp a little. Shorter than the last one I pull away blushing.

"I-I like you too." I manage to stutter out but with a smile.

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