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Killua! I scream running out of the school trying to catch up with the white haired boy.

What is it (y/n)? He asks almost annoyed.

I wanted to know if I start to mumble off.

Speak up, I need to go I have football practice.

IWANTEDTOKNOWIFYOUWOULDGOOUTWITHME! I quickly say and I look down at the ground at the same time.

Look (y/n) I dont like you like that, and honestly you annoy me so much even if we were close friends I probably wouldnt say yes. Now I have to go to football practice I mean out of everyone you should know that. He then walks away not looking back while I can feel tears running down my face.


Killuas P.O.V.:

Oh my god have you heard about (y/n) and Feitan?

Theyre so cute together oh my god!

I wish my boyfriend was like that.

All today all Ive been hearing is about (y/n) and Feitan. Ive known Feitan for how long? Hes not one to like people I mean especially after what happened between us. Awh crap hes doing this because of me.

I start to run through the halls. Its 6th period right now or free period, everyone is anywhere but knowing Feitan hes probably in the library. Turning a bunch of corners, I finally end up in the library, well before that I crashed into a couple, well a few doors. As I slowly walk around I finally find Feitan, and hes with (y/n). Of course.

Feitan. I mumble as I walk in on them.

Oh hi Killua. He says smirking.

Hm? (y/n) looks up at me with her. Oh, hi Killua.

Feitan can I talk to you?

Yeah whats up?


Ill be back. He says to (y/n) and kisses to top of her head.

I think I lost a couple of brain cells watching that.

We walk away far enough so (y/n) is distracted in her own book world and she cant hear us. What the hell dude?

What do you mean? Hes still smirking.

You know what I mean just because of me and Gon getting better grades than some of the people in your group and them having to move away doesnt mean you have to hurt other people. I whisper yell at him.

Shes obviously close to you, this is just a way to get to you.

I turned her down, when you break up with her youre going to break her!

Ya know I didnt know about the turning down part but hey this just makes it even better. He then laughs and walks back to (y/n) while he says something that makes her laugh.

What the heck! How even does it work like that I dont like her! I mean all year she would help me and always go to my games, she was always there like a stalker.


I dont get it Kurapika! I say biting down into my sandwich. I mean, hes doing this to get to me. I literally see them everywhere like he wants to annoy me. Theyre always in the hallways holding hands, Feitan stands outside her classes and carriers her stuff. She doesnt even go to the practices anymore, or even the games! And the games are big things!

I thought you didnt like her? Gon asks.

I dont! I scream and everyone in the lunch room gets quiet and stares at us.

Killua, shh. Kurapika quiets me down and everyone eventually goes back to their lunches. Well you know with all this commotion with you being bothered by it, it sounds a lot like you like her, and if not you at least miss her.

Have you tried telling her? Leorio asks.

Leorio when did you get here? I ask.

Ive been here the whole time!

Whatever, but to answer your question no, I havent told her, but maybe I should I mean this is the only time her and Feitan arent together.

How do you know that Kurapika sighs.

No comment. I say getting up, throwing my lunch away and walking to where (y/n) usually eats lunch. A couple more turns and more doors... I end up to the empty art class. (y/n)! Are you in here?

Hm? I hear a familiar voice say and I turn to look and I see that she has a cookie sticking out of her mouth. Kiwlluah? She asks with food in her mouth.

I need to tell you something! It very important so hear me out!

Let me heat mwah chookie! She screams and eats the rest of the cookie. Okay what is it?

Its about Feitan, hes using you to get to me! He doesnt actually like you! I put my hands on her shoulders and shake her but shortly after she hits my hands off.

Shut up Killua, why should I believe you? I mean you turned me down and practically in the meanest way! And honestly you annoy me so much! You know you couldve just said no, I mean you didnt have to be so mean to me! Do you know how much that hurt?! I Always say that I stalk you but I went to your games because I wanted to support you! When I was sad Feitan was there for me when you were off at football practice because I would know! She snaps at me and leaves the art room.

Did I really say all of that? Is that really how she felt? God I screwed up.


Its lunchtime and after what happened Ive been going back to the art room. (y/n) hasnt been back here but I have and honestly, I realized that (y/n) means a lot to me and I just screwed up bigtime.

I take a big bite into my sandwich and I start chewing it and just as I swallow my food the door slams open and shut and a person jumps into my arms. I look down and realize its (y/n) and shes crying. (y/n) are you okay? Who did this to you? I will personally beat them up.

Y-you were r-right. Feitan was *sniff* just using me. She then starts to cry even more.

Shhh, its okay (y/n) just let it all out Im right here.

5 minutes later shes finally calmed down and shes stopped crying.

Im sorry Killua I didnt mean to be so mean to you I shouldve listened to you.

No its my fault this happened.

Well you helped e when it hurt me, and I doubt my friends wouldve really gotten it.

Im always here.


Always. I say and I hug her until the bell rings.

Killua  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now