Love Stage Twist

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"THANK YOU YORKNEW!" I scream as I wave to all my fans. As I get off stage the first thing I do is I make a b-line to my dressing room and I face plant onto the couch.

"Good job (y/n) the crowd loves you your next concert will be in 3 weeks so you have some time to recover. Anyways about that recovery thing well that commercial you did when you were younger for your mothers Bridal Dress Company we need you to do that again but this time with YOU being the one getting married." My manager Bisky says to me.

"Nghhh but this is my 3 weeks offfffff." I complain my head face still buried in the couch.

"The commercial pays not to mention the more popularity, money, fans, money and the quicker you do it the faster it'll be over." Bisky has always been a good manger but I admit she's needy at times. I love her but like I said.

"Ugh fine. When is it?"

"Tomorrow at 2pm."

"Bisky you know that that's in between my sleeping schedule." It's wasn't my idea it was your mothers.

"She barely acts like my mom. It's always work and if not it's Jill because 'modeling is more important' than whatever I do." I sigh still talking into the couch. "If anything your more of a mom to me than she is."

"You shouldn't talk about her like that!" Bisky argues back. "And if you do think that way at least don't say it to her face."

"Whatever just let me relax until tomorrow. You said that I'm doing it with that boy from before right? Who even is he I haven't seen/ heard of him since I was like 6, or was it 7? Either way it's been like 10 or 11 years since then."

"Really you don't remember him?" Bisky asks and I shake my head in response. "Do you know the actor Killua Zoldyck?"

I immediately look up from the couch and I'm in shock. Literally complete shock. "Wait Killua like Killua who plays Jayce on the show King for a Day and the movies Gasoline, Simple Hobbies and the movie Kinks?" (DON'T JUDGE MEE)

"Yup that's him." Bisky says.

"Bisky he's like REALLY FAMOUS"

"And so are you!"

"Yeah but he's on tv, movies next thing you know he's on Broadway!" I claim jumping up straight on the couch. "I'm just a singer still rising with my song Krashing at #15 on top charts! If Killua made a song he would be #1 within a day, hell even over night!"

"Oh calm down, let's go to the hotel relax and tomorrow have breakfast, leave, do the commercial and the days over. You then have the rest of the vacation to sleep from 3am to 5pm."

"Yay! Thank you Bisky!" I say running over to her and I hug her.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah let's head over to the hotel."


"Biskyyyy? Bisky where are you?" I scream running around set still half asleep.

"(Y/n) sweetie!" I suddenly feel two arms around me.

"Bisky?" I ask still half conscious.

"No sweetie it's me mom! I'm so happy you agreed to doing this! OH! Your dress is in your dressing room go, go, GO!"

Stumbling to my room I slam the door and I wake myself up, mentally of course physically is too much work. I see her again for the first time in like 7 months and short conservation. Of course it's my mom hat else would I expect?

Walking over to the dress it's actually pretty nice.

I'll admit my mom has style, this dress is gorgeous

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I'll admit my mom has style, this dress is gorgeous. With some struggle. Just some, I finally get it on. Finally.

After getting it on I walk out to the set to Bisky, who I finally recognize.

"Bisky what's happening now?"

"Well you should be on soon, Killua got here not long after you. He's getting ready so the wedding scene will happen soon, at the moment props are going up. Personally I think you should go to Killua's dressing room and go talk to him so you guys can actually talk about what's happening and well since you seem to know everything he's in get an autograph."

"Eh sure I have nothing else to do. Where's his dressing room?"

"Beats me." She shrugs off and shoos me away.

4 minutes later I finally found his dressing room. I'm pretty sure I passed by this place a good 3 times. I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hear his voice call.

"Uhh it's (y/n) I wanted to well introduce me to yourself." After I say that the door opens and I walk in to find Killua in a very nice tux.

"(y/n) you have no need to introduce yourself you're getting very popular in the music industry and you look like you would do good in acting too, I mean since that last commercial." He laughs.

"Look who's talking I mean you're so big in the acting career, I mean you're awesome personally my favorite is the show King for a Day. I can't wait to see what happens next after what happened with Rose and the whole cheating thing ohmygod it's so great!"

"Maybe one day I can get you on set." He says as he fixes his hair.

"Oh god no that's too much to ask for." I say as I get up to go to him. "Also don't do your hair like this trying to put it to one side, let it poof out all naturally like how they do it in the show sometimes, it looks good on you."

"Thanks, if I'm being honest you look really cute in that dress." He says quieter than he was before.

"And you look handsome in that tux." I giggle back and a ring goes off which signals that set is ready and we should go on soon. "Whale I guess we should get going." I hold out my hand to him and he just looks up at me and I smile. He then grabs my hand and I drag him off to set.

As we get there we get handed our script and it's pretty simple. Walk up the aisle, get up there, look at each other, lean in and that's it, it just cuts to the advertisement and then I can go back to my sleeping schedule. That'll be nice. Verryyyyyyy nice, sleeping all of vacation.

"Ready on set?" The director asks as we all get positions. "Ready, Take One." Then we all hear the snap and I start to walk down the aisle with this person who's suppose to look like my dad. After what seems like forever I get up there and I hold hands with Killua. As the priest says random stuff that won't get put in. I look up at Killua and we make eye contact and I swear I feel weird like... butterflies? I start to blush and I see him do the same thing. The priest stopped finally said the words for que of us to lean in and as we do Killua leans in even more and I suddenly feel his lips on mine. In the background I can Bisky dropping her coffee and my mom gasping. The director also seems surprised because I hear him stutter when he's about to say cut. After we pulled away I'm blushing like crazy and I can see from the corner of my eye Killua blushing and him rubbing the back of his head.

As me and Killua both stumble off set, Killua somewhere and m to Bisky.

"(Y/N)! WHAT WAS THAT?" Bisky screams almost if she's fangirling too.

"I-I don't know. It just happened. And OMG I NEED TO TALK TO KILLUA BYE BISKY!" I yell running off to his dressing room and this time I barge in without him knowing. "KILLUA WHAT WAS THAT?" When I look at him I realize that his jacket was off and his shirt is halfway buttoned.

"T-The kiss?" He asks stuttering

"No the monkey you threw on the set. YES THE KISS!"

"Oh well if I'm being completely honest I never really forgot about you since we were 6, funny isn't it." He laughs.

So it was 6, not 4 or 5.

"But I'm really sorry I should've asked before I kissed you."

"Killua." I sigh taking in what's happened.


As he gets closer I grab his shirt and pull him into a kiss. Looks like my vacation is booked now.


IF YOU GUYS HAVEN'T WATCHED LOVE STAGE (it's a yaoi and it's really good you should watch it) THIS PLOT WAS BASED OFF OF IT.

If you have watched Love Stage, Back Stage needs to become an anime. OR I COULD GET THE MANGA BUT I'M BROKE.

Killua  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now