Art is Mearly and Expression

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Before I start I want to say this one shot is dedicated to my special art teacher who just got cut because of budget cuts. You have and always will be an inspiration to me.

"Good job (y/n)" My teacher Ms.Jackson says to me.

"Thanks, I didn't know what to pain at first but then I thought of a tiger, so I painted one with stripes rainbow and its paws almost melting." I say as I point out everything in the painting. Right now I'm in art which I must mention is my favorite subject, also my best. Right now were on a painting unit which is great. The brush moves so easily with every stroke.

I may like art way too much.

As I'm painting more strokes I see from the corner of my eye the biggest idiot ever.

Killua Zoldyck, the most popular person in our school, can't even paint right. I see him with the paint brush, stabbing the canvas. Yes you heard me right. Stabbing. I sweat drop as the bell rings for the next class. Everyone leaves a mess and files out while I sigh and start to clean up, no one really likes art as much as I do.

"Mr.Zoldyck can you please stay after I need to have a talk with you about your painting.. Erm skill." She manages to finds words to fit the sentence.

As she talks to him I start to pick up smocks on the floor and I hang them up, I grab all the brushes and I start to wash them. In the middle of washing them Ms.Jackson suddenly calls my name.


"Yea?" I ask while I dry the brushes in my hand.

"I would like you to stay after school with Mr.Zoldyck and please for the love of god teach him how to paint."

"Ehh baka, I'm standing right here I can hear you!" He yells with tic marks showing up.

"I think that's her point. But sure it's not like I have anything better to do."

"Thank god, base the painting off of this." She hands me a small picture of Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. "We're making a huge painting of this with different students doing a different part of it, I want you guys to do this block column 2 row 1."

(AN//The painting is separated into a 4x6 grid. Why am I being so specific -.- )

"Okie, also if u need help setting it up just tell me." I say waving as I walk off, the end of school is like in 2 more hours so I still have Science and Math to go. Ew. Math.

(AN// Shelly )

"Thanks (y/n) you're a doll!" She shouts as she rest ready for the next class.

=•= Time Skip brought to you by Shelly and her boring Math class =•=

It's finally after school and to be honest I forgot I was staying after. I started to walk home for like 2 mins looked up saw the fluffy white clouds and remembered the idiot Killua's hair and remembered and ran back.


"Why are you late?" Killua yells at me.

"I- forgot to- stay after-" I say between breathes. Gym isn't my BEST subject.

"Well your here now let's get on with this I wanna get home."

"This won't be that bad arts fun." I say as I throw him an apron.

"Maybe for you your good at it I can't even draw a stick figure." He complains as he tried to get the apron on but fails. Next thing I know one of the apron ties is tied into his hair.

I sigh and walk over, I untie it and I tie it around his neck. As I did that I felt his hair which I never realized how soft it was until now. "Come on this isn't gonna paint it's self." I start to paint the swirls in the sky because that's really what most of our square is as I start to paint it Killua stands there with a dumbfounded look on his face. Briefly I stop and realize he isn't doing anything. "What's wrong now?"

"I don't get it how am I painting this?" He asks turning his head sideways.

Again sighing I go behind him and I take his right arm which has the paint brush. "All you go is you dip it in the paint and then paint the canvas and like Van Gogh do the swirls." As I do the swirling motion with his arm in my hand I can feel his body heat radiating off if him, I look at him for a minute and I swear he's blushing but then I realized it's probably because of how close I am to him and since its summer it's so hot out and I'm just making it hotter.

=•= Time Skip =•=

With the finishing touches we finished the painting and it was fun we talked about school, celebrities, upcoming movies, tv shows and I'll admit it was fun.

"We finished!" I jump in excitement.

"Hey (y/n) stop I need to do something." Killua says grabbing my wrists.

"Eh?" I can feel my cheeks heat up. I'll admit in the beginning of the school year I had a crush on him but it died down but after today it may have restarted again. "K-Killua what are you d-doing?"

Ahhhhh (y/n) stop stuttering!

He leans in closer and I back up until I crash into the wall and I'm cornered. He stops wen he's a good 3 inches from my face, I close my eyes scared for what happens next and then it happens.

"Baka what was that for?!" I scream.

"Have some fun (y/n)!"  He says as he runs away.

I growl and while the paint off my nose and I start to chase him with the paint brush. Quickly I catch up and I whip the paint brush and I get most of his arm.

Pretty soon we've gone into Art Room War I and paint is flying everywhere. My face is covered in paint and so is my clothes but then again Killua is too.

As I'm running away from Killua I turn around to see how close he is to me and pretty soon I trip over an eisle and  Killua is tripping onto me and next thing I know his lips are smashed into mine.

Quickly he pulls away and we're both blushing messes, but before I can say anything he smashed his lips into line but on purpose. As his lips move mine start to move in sync but sadly we are human and we need air to breathe and we separate. Quickly I flip him so his floor is on the ground and I'm sitting on top of him. "I win." I say smiling as I plant both my paint covered hands on his face and kiss him again. "Come on let's clean this up and then we can go see that movie we were talking about."

Killua  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now