Surprise visitor (NCIS team x gibbs! Daughter reader)

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You were walking around town after you went to the movies with (bff/n). you stopped at your usual coffee shop and thought of your dad.

"(y/n) your dad was in here three hours ago," the barista said.

"sounds like he needs a refill. ill take the usual," you ordered.

"okay here you go one mocha latte and one black coffee. have a nice day Gibbs," the barista waved.

you grabbed the coffees and walked to your dad's work, the NCIS building. you greeted the security guard as you walked through the metal detector. you grabbed the coffee from the guards and walked to the elevator. you headed to the squad room and walked to your dad's desk and sat in his chair you drank your coffee and faced the wall behind dad's desk. you laid back and waited for your dad.

"Tony you are disgusting," a woman said laughing as she walked pasted dad's desk.

"what Kate," a man asked following her.

I really didn't need to know that about you," the woman replied.

"someone is in Gibb's desk," the man told the woman.

"Gibbs is not going to like that," the woman said.

"what am I not going to like," you heard dad ask as he entered the room.

"um boss," you heard the guy start saying.

"DiNozzo, why is there someone in my chair," dad asked making the name click.

he was talking to special agent tony DiNozzo. dad told me about him, not a lot but plenty to know that he is a unique man.

"don't know boss," tony replied.

"oh I do," you said turning the chair around.

"(y/n) what are you doing here," dad asked you.

I was in the neighborhood and I thought you could use some coffee," you replied handing him his coffee.

"thank you, now why are you here," he repeated.

"did Gibbs just say 'thank you'," tony asked.

"DiNozzo," dad said.

"what can a girl visit her dad," you said kicking your feet up.

"dad," tony asked.

I didn't know Gibbs had a daughter," Kate stated.

"because I didn't tell," dad said pushing my feet off the desk.

"dad come on," you exclaimed.

he signaled me to get out of his chair. he sat down and looked at his computer.

"(y/n) you have to go home we are working a case," dad said.

"fine but can I go see Ducky," you asked.

"he is busy," he replied.

"ill take that as a yes," you said heading to the elevators.

"(y/n)," you heard dad shout.

"ill be with Ducky," you shouted back.

"did she disobey Gibbs," Kate asked.

"im still stuck on Gibbs having a daughter," tony said.

you walked into autopsy and saw ducky and some guy dissecting a body. ducky looked up and smiled when he saw you.

"(y/n) what a pleasant surprise," ducky said.

"Ducky," you said walking over to him.

"sorry about the sight you did catch me at a bad time," ducky replied.

"yea same with dad," you said sitting on the table next to the body.

"ah my manners. Mr. palmer this is (y/n). (y/n) Mr. palmer," ducky introduced.

"hello Mr. palmer. so ducky what do we got," you said getting off the table and standing next to Mr. palmer.

"poor chap. marine captain found dead in the woods this morning," ducky explained.

"anything I could do to help," you asked.

"your father would no approve," ducky stated.

"no I would not. (y/n) you need to go home," dad stated.

"fine I know where im not wanted," you pouted crossing your arms as you left autopsy.

"if that were true you would have left ten minutes ago," dad retorted.

"ouch dad that really hurt," you faked.

you stepped into the elevator and went up one floor. you got off and entered the lab. you saw a blacked haired girl in pigtails.

"you must be Abby," you said as you entered the lab.

"and you are," Abby replied.

(y/n) Gibbs," you answered.

"ah so your little Gibbs," Abby said as she typed away on her computer.

"Gibbs has a daughter," a man asked from behind a computer.

"yes McGee," Abby said.

"does big Gibbs know you're here," Abby asked taking a sip of her caf-pow.

"yes and no," you answered.

"cool, so wanna see what I found. I would show Gibbs but he is not around," Abby said.

"sure," you said.

"no," you heard your dad say from behind you.

"big Gibbs," Abby said.

"(y/n) go home," dad said.

"I want to help," you said.

"no," dad said.

"Abby show me what you got," dad said.

I was able to clean up the video and he is what I got," Abby said putting the video on the plasma.

it was a video of the victim and his family. they were at the park. the camera spun around and I saw something.

"Abby can you go back twenty seconds and play it slowly," you said getting closer to the tv.

"home," dad said firmly.

"Dad trust me. I promise ill go home after this. Marine's word," you said knowing that your dad knew your wouldn't break a marine's word even though you are not a marine.

"Abby do it," dad said.

"zoom in by that tree by the hot dog stand," you told her.

she zoomed in and you pointed out the man sitting at the bench watching the captain.

"he was been watching the captain and his family the entire time and I bet that if you fast forward it he will follow the captain," you stated.

Abby fast forward the video and you were right.

"see I just want to help. ill leave. bye dad," you said kissing his cheek.

you were leaving when you dad called your name.

"good job (y/n)," he said smiling.

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