Daddy (Elijah x reader)

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Warning: sexual abuse and rape mentioned

Last year
You were walking down the streets of New Orleans after hanging out with your friends at one of the bars. It was pretty late out and your friends wanted to share a cab but you declined saying you wanted some fresh air.
"Hey sweet cheeks," some guy said coming out of the shadows.
You ignored him and kept walking.
Just a few more miles and you will be at your best friend's house.
"Slow down," the guy said.
'Damn it Elijah why did you have to live so far away,' you thought to yourself.
You walked a little faster regretting not getting a cab.
"Woah there I was talking to you," the guy said as he grabbed your arm.
"Let me go," you told the guy
"Now why would I let a pretty think like you go," he said as he tightened his grip on you.
"HELP," you screamed before the guy covered you mouth and pulled you into the alleyway. 
He pressed you against the wall and ripped off your shirt and took out a knife.
"Um. You have a fine body. How about I see some more," he said as he cut your bra off of you.
"Please stop," you cried out.
"Shut up," he said as he pulled off your skirt and underwear.
He unbuckled his pants and pulled both his pants and boxers down exposing his member. He held your hands above your head and forcefully entered you.
"Please stop," you cried again.
"Oh god. This feels so good," he said kissing your neck.
He kept thrusting in and out of you until he came. He laid his head against you breast and starting sucking on one.
"Round two," he said as he turned you around.
He was about to enter you again when you felt his grip on you go way. You fell to the ground in tears.
"(Y/n)," you heard a familiar voice say gently.
You turned around covering your body and saw Elijah standing there. You look over at the guy who attacked you and saw his head was missing.
"Don't look," Elijah said as he took off his jacket and covered you with it.
Elijah picked you up and brought you all the way to the mikealson estate. He put you down once he got to the front door and helped you walk to his room.
Rebecca saw and was going to ask what happened but Elijah just shook his head. So her walked over to the other side of you and help you up the stairs. Elijah left you with Rebecca so she could help you change into one of Elijah's shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. After you were clothed Rebecca helped you into Elijah's bed and you curled up into a ball and cried.

Elijah's pov
Rebecca walked out of my room and I heard (y/n) start crying.
"What happened," Rebecca asked.
"She was attacked and he raped her," I said clinching my fist so hard my knuckles were white.
"Did you," Rebecca asked.
"I killed him. He got off too easy," I replied.

~3 weeks later~
Two pink lines. Ordinarily those lines would bring women tears of joy and happiness. But to you it brought back memories of the night. The man got you pregnant.
"(Y/n) are you okay," you heard Elijah ask as he knocked in the bathroom door.
"Yea I'm fine," you lied.
You were just able to return to society last week and now this. You would not  even think  about an abortion.
"Your lying. You heart rate is speeding up," Elijah said.
You got up and unlocked the door and sat back on the toilet. Elijah walked in and saw the pregnancy test in your hand.
"Are you," he asked.
"Yes," you cried. "I don't want to get rid of this baby but I don't want a memory of that night."
"Hey it's okay. I'll be with you every step of the way. You don't ever have to think of that night ever again," Elijah said as he took you in his arms and hugged you.

~9 months later~
"Good morning love," Elijah said as he kissed you.
"Good morning Elijah," you replied.
Over the last 8 months you and Elijah grew to be more than friends. You both were very happy and Elijah was eager to find out the gender of the baby. You say up and rubbed your enlarged stomach and looked as Elijah kissed it. Elijah happily took to role of father of the baby once you too got together. He said it would help not remember that night. And he was right. Since that day Elijah claimed that baby as his that awful night disappeared from your mind.
"Are you two decent," you heard Rebecca ask through the door.
"Come in," you said.
"How's my little niece or nephew," Rebecca asked as she placed her hand on your stomach.
"Fine I just want him or her out," you laughed.
"The baby is due in two weeks. Have you two come up with a name yet," Rebecca asked.
"Stella and Henry after your younger brother," you said.
"I love them," Rebecca squealed.
"I love you," Elijah said kissing your head.
~two weeks later~
Your water broke while you were sleeping. Elijah and Rebecca acted like someone was dying. Elijah quickly got you into the car and Rebecca packed your over night bag. Once Rebecca got in the car Elijah drove to the hospital.
After 30 painful minutes you gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The nurse gave Stella to Elijah and you could see how much he loved her. He walked over to you and you saw your daughter for the first time.
"She's beautiful," you said crying.
"Just like you," Elijah said stroking your hair.
Rebecca walked in and saw that it was a girl.
"She is so cute," she exclaimed.
"Do you want to hold her," you asked her.
"Um yes," she said as she took Stella.
"Hello little one. I'm aunt Rebecca. I am going to spoil you so much," she said as she kissed her head.
"I love you Elijah," you said looking up at him.
"I love you too," he replied kissing you.
~one year later~
"Becca are you," Stella said wattling around the house.
Rebecca and Stella were playing hide and seek. It was possible the cutest thing you have ever seen.
"Becca are you," Stella called again.
You saw that Elijah was sitting on the couch reading so you went to sit next to him. He placed his arm around you and you placed your head on his chest.
"Daddy, becca are," Stella asked Elijah.
You moved and Elijah got up.
"Let's go find her," he said scooping her up.
Elijah and Stella searched the living room and then found Rebecca in the dinning room.
"Becca there are," your heard Stella yell.
"I'm gonna get you Stella," you heard Rebecca say.
Stella came running into the room and Rebecca scooped her up.
"Stella it's time for a bath," you said getting up.
"Daddy bath," she said.
Elijah took Stella from Rebecca and went into the bathroom.
"I've never seen my brother this happy," Rebecca said.
"Me either," you said watching Elijah put Stella in the bath.
"Bubbles," Stella exclaimed.
"Okay," Elijah said as he filled the bath with bubbles.
You walked into the bathroom and saw Elijah's shirt was soaked and he had a bible beard.
"Mommy daddy silly," Stella said splashing water.
"I see," you said kneeling next to him.
Elijah kissed your cheek and you heard Elijah laugh.
"You have a little something on your cheek," he laughed.
You looked at him and saw some of us bubble beard was missing.
"You are missing something here," you laughed.

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