Chapter 3 - Roommate

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Chapter 3

I try to function normally throughout the next week, but I can't seem to remember what normal actually is.

My normal used to be waking up, calling Kian, doing whatever it was I had to do that day, and texting, calling, and even hanging out with Kian every single day.

We were inseparable. At least I thought we were.

Kian's fans would always come up to me and ask me for pictures, which I thought was really weird, but I did anyway.

People at school knew who I was the first day I showed up because they knew who Kian was, so I found myself being talked to by a lot of people. I knew they really didn't want to be friends with me, but I was nice to them anyway.

In my first month if college, I met Angela, and we didn't exactly become friends.

"Maddie! You're Kian Lawley's girlfriend, right?" A short girl with brown hair asked me, walking up close to me as I washed my hands in the public bathroom.

I internally groaned, but smiled at the girl.

"Uh, yeah. I am," I replied, knowing what was coming next.

"Oh my god! That's so cool! Is he a good kisser?" She asked excitedly, stepping closer to me.

"Yeah..." I replied, smiling at the thought of Kian. Why does she care if he's a good kisser?

"Oh my god! It's Kian Lawley's girlfriend! Big fucking whoop Kailee," a very sarcastic voice said as a girl with long brown hair and light green eyes stepped into my view.

"Angela," the short girl in front if me whined at the sarcastic girl.

"Kailee you're probably annoying this girl," Angela said, sounding oh-so concerned about my annoyance. She smirked at me with a glare in her eyes.

"I was just asking a question," Kailee, the short girl said in defeat. She gave me a small smile and I have her a smile back before she slowly walked out if the bathroom, obviously asleep.

"So how is it? Being the girlfriend of a guy hardly famous?" Angela said snarkily.

I ignored her, turning to walk out if the bathroom. I'd rather be talking to a fan of Kian's that only wanted to talk to me because if him rather than talk to someone who is just going to be rude.

That was the first time I met Angela, obviously not the last.

We actually became good friends after that. She was actually someone who didn't want to be friends with me, so I wanted to be friends with her. For a few weeks, we'd have small conversations about the most random things and eventually we just became good friends.

How it happened? I actually have no idea.

We would see each other around and she would always make sarcastic comments about me and

Kian, but I actually thought it was pretty funny, so eventually we started becoming friends.

Our friendship just kept growing and eventually somehow we ended up living together.

Oh, that actually happened for a specific reason.

Eight months ago, me and Kian started fighting a lot more, and we decided that it would be better if we didn't live together anymore.

After we'd been dating for eleven months, I graduated high school and moved in with Kian. We got a decent sized apartment and never thought twice about it.

Living was him was actually quite amazing, waking up to see him next to me every morning and getting to fall asleep next to him every night.

We loved together for a good seven and a half months, and then the forgetting ensued.

We'd get in stupid arguments about ridiculous things, but they'd always turn into a huge fight.

"Kian!" I groaned, picking up three shirts of his off of the floor.

"It would really be nice if you could put your dirty clothes in the laundry...for once!"

I yelled at him through the apartment since we weren't in the same room.

"What?" Kian appeared at the door to the bedroom, an annoyed expression planted on his face.

"Could you please just pick up your stuff and put it where it needs to be?" I nagged, knowing it annoyed him since this is the fifth time this week I've asked him.

He rolled his eyes at me and left the room as I placed his clothes in the hamper.

That simple gesture infuriated me, so I stomped after him.

"Kian!" I barked. He stopped abruptly, slowly turning around.

"What Madison?" He said mockingly.

I narrowed my eyes at him, a small smirk appearing on his devilish but handsome face.

"Please stop being rude," I said as calmly as I possibly can.

I could tell he was holding back the urge to roll his eyes at me just by the way his face slightly twitched.

I clenched my jaw at his behavior, shaking my head and turning away from him to go back to the bedroom.

This small argument meant nothing at that specific moment in time, but it slowly progressed into a game.

Kian would make a point if leaving his dirty clothing on the floor in our bedroom, and eventually he would just leave shirts in random places around the house.

I held my tongue many times, choosing that it was better not to fight about it, but eventually, I just couldn't let it slide.

"Kian. Lawley!" I yelled, knowing he could hear me well.

"What?" He yelled in reply, his tone making me even more furious with him.

"How many times do I have to tell you to pick up your clothes!" I fussed. I got no reply from him for a good amount of time.

Holding one of his dirty shirts, I walked furiously towards the living room, where Kian was sitting on the couch, playing on his phone.

I angrily threw the shirt at him, sick of having to clean up after him.

"What?" Kian said as though I just did something absurd.

"Don't 'what' me! You know 'what'!" I yelled, quickly becoming angry.

"Jeez! Don't make such a big fucking deal about it!" He replied, making me even madder by cursing at me. He knew how I felt about that.

"Kian. Stop it." I crossed my arms, trying to control my anger.

"Why do you care so much?" He demanded, causing me to glare at him.

"Why do you not care at all?" I countered, furious.

"Just leave me alone, Maddie," he groaned.

Shocked by his words, I angrily stomped into our bedroom, slamming the door.

Kian slept on the couch that night.
But he still never picked his clothes up.

But that was never really the point. The point was that he did it just to bother me.

I guess now I don't have to deal with that anymore now that I live with Angela, and she always cleans up after herself.

But for some reason, I can't help but want our relationship.

But do I want it back because I really, genuinely want him back?

Or do I just want to be with him because of my jealousy and selfishness that has arised since him and Andrea got together?


I know this isn't edited and the italics won't show up because I'm not uploading from a computer.
But as soon as I get my laptop fixed ill edit this and put in the italics.

Sorry it's shortish!

But I wanted to upload sooner rather than later!

Vote and comment please!

I'll give the dedication later as well wen my computer is working!

xox -Delilah

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