Author's Note

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So, it's over. The Story of Kian and Maddie is now over, well at least in this series ;)

Nah, I'm actually writing a spin off, so stay tuned!

I want to thank each and every one of you for your support on this story and the one before it. I love you all and couldn't have done it without you! This is more your story than it is mine because it wouldn't have happened without you!

So until I publish the spin-off, I'm going to do a Q&A! You guys can ask me absolutely anything you want to! So just leave them in the comments and when I get a substantial amount of questions to answer, I'll post a new part on this book with my answers! Don't be shy! Just ask away! Whatever you want to know! About me, my books, or anything else!

If you want something to read, check out my other works, including "Who to Love" :) it's about Connor!

Also "Heartbreaker" about Luke Hemmings!

Until next time!

Love y'all!

xox -Delilah

Over Again ( A Kian Lawley / O2L )Where stories live. Discover now