Chapter 34 - Fishy

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I left the O2L house in a trance-like state, not really feeling anything.

Thoughts do not go through my mind, and I do not see anything except the path in front of me.

After him trying to get me back, and me wanting him back, it has come to this. A breakup controlled by the girl who ruins everything.

But do I hate her? No. Right now, I honestly don't feel anything for anyone.

I got into my car and drove, not knowing where I was going and not caring either. I drive until I can hardly keep my eyes open.

When I feel like I'm about to fall asleep, I pull off into the parking lot of a gas station and park, turning my car off. I barely see the car pull in beside me before I fall asleep.

When I wake up, it's in the middle of the night. The lights on the gas station are fully bright, and people wander in and out of the building, buying drinks and other things they need on their road trip. I look around, my mind more alert than it was before. Having no idea where I am, I reach for my phone to use my GPS.

When I try to turn on my phone, it doesn't light up. The screen stays black.

"Dammit," I say to myself, throwing the phone in the glove box, as it is no use to me.

I grab my purse and drop change from the ashtray of my car into it before taking my keys out of the car and getting out.

When I walk into the store, I walk around looking for a public phone. Near the restrooms, there is a pay phone. I didn't really know they still had these, but I'm so glad they do.

I grab the correct amount of change before I look in the up-to-date phone book the store conveniently has, looking for the name to my apartment building. When I find it, I insert the money and call the number.

The front desk picks up and I ask them to call my room. It rings, and continues to ring until I get no answer. I huff in annoyance. Who else could I call? I don't know anyone's phone number by heart.

After a small epiphany, I walk around the convenient store and find a cheap car charger, paying for it and a soda at the check out. I walk back out to my car and plug the charger in after turning my car on.

Not-so-patiently, I wait for my phone to charge enough to turn on. When it does, I pull up the maps app on my phone.

It tells me I'm about fifty miles away from my apartment building, a lot closer than I assumed. I set it to take me home, but before I leave, I fill up my gas tank.

Once I'm home, I walk to my room and throw my stuff down, ready to just go to sleep for a year.

Why would Kian even listen to her? For all he knows, she's not even pregnant with his child. She could be pregnant with another one of her one night stands for all he knows.

If he's so worried about her telling the public, why doesn't he go ahead and tell everyone? Why keep hiding it?

Would he have even stayed with me after his child was born? Or would he have left me to stay with her and help her out with his kid?

Questions swirl in my mind, literally making me dizzy. I try not to think about it anymore, but it's as though my mind literally does not want to stop thinking about him.

I was dropped, and even though it didn't seem easy for him, it's a lot harder for me.

And you know, I really don't believe that damn child is even his. I refuse to believe it. Because how convenient is it that Emily is pregnant with Kian's child? Its fucking lucky if you ask me.

Emily has always had some kind of plan to ruin Kian, and I've known this since the day she ruined Kian and I the first time. Everything she does is for a purpose.

I can't decide if she's actually still in love with Kian or if she just wants his fame. Or maybe she just enjoys toying with him.

No matter what it is, she's fake.

And I know there is something very fishy about this whole thing, and I'm determined to find out what it is.


Alright, short and sweet. This is short for a reason, it's only a fuller and gives insight to the upcoming chapters! Only a few left! Prepare for drama!!!

1.) Emily's Pregnancy is fake

2.) I hate Emily

3.) Emily is pregnant with someone else's child

4.) Emily only wants to ruin Kian's life, she doesn't actually care for him

5.) Emily actually is so in love with Kian that she has gone crazy and wants to find any way to hold on to him.

6.) Emily is just crazy.

^^^Comment what you think/want ^^^

Comment anything else you feel like: whether you hate me, love me, both, or want me to fall off a cliff...

(I hope you don't want me to fall off of a cliff)

And hey, a good way to get some brownie points from me is if you go read Destruction, my new book ;) it'll be sexy

I love when y'all send me messages by the way, I love talking to y'all!!

Until next time, my dears:

xox -Delilah

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