Chapter 38 - Hell and Back

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Days pass after the day Kian and I sat on the beach, and nothing really happened. He didn't call or text me, he didn't reach out to me in any way. Neither did Emily.

Disappointment is a word to describe my feelings every day after there was no call. I guess I was expecting the two of us to get back together after Emily's plot was revealed. I mean, after all, wouldn't Kian and I still be together if Emily had not forced us to break up.

The part of it that makes me the angriest is that he called me to come to the hospital. For what? Emotional support? I don't really know why because right about now it seems as if it was for nothing. Why would he call me there if he didn't want the two of us to at least be friends again?

For the first few days I just stay at home, not bothering to reach out to him either. I go to work and come back to the apartment and basically do nothing for the rest of the day.

Today is different. My thoughts have started to fire up, explosions going on in my mind.

Why does he have to be the first person to reach out? Maybe he doesn't think I want to be together.

Instead of calling him, I decide to get dressed and drive over to his house. The car ride gives me time to think over what I want to say to the boy I fell in love with more than once, and by the time I pull up in the driveway, I feel confident.

I walk in the house where I see Ricky and Jack sleeping on the couch in the living room. They must have had a late night because it's nearly two o'clock. I pass then quietly and bound up the stairs to Kian's room.

Not only is my plan shattered when I open the door to Kian's room, but so is my confidence.

Two sets of eyes look up to me, one set filled with guilt, the other set filled with smug happiness. I couldn't even see straight when I saw that second pair of eyes.

"Maddie, listen-" Kian says quickly, standing up from where he was seated on the bed. He walks towards me and I step backwards.

"Why is she here?" I ask rudely, but frankly, I don't give a damn as to how rude I'm being.

"He invited me here," Emily replies, a smirk on her face. That smirk makes me want to smack it off and break her neck, but I stay where I am because I know if I get close to her, I might just do that.

"It's not for the reasons you think, Maddie," Kian tries to explain. Instead of listening to him, I step further into the room. I cross my arms over my chest and look at Emily. She looks like she's scored a victory.

I catch a slight glint off of something in her hand, so I look down. There, on her ring finger of her left hand, is a diamond ring. It's beautiful and Emily keeps twirling it on her finger. My eyes widen and I look over to Kian, shock hitting me like a bus.

Kian looks confused, but then he looks down at Emily's hand, realization washing over his face.

"No, no, Maddie! No! You have it all wrong," Kian desperately says, making me raise my eyebrows.

"Then please enlighten me," I reply, biting my tongue so I don't say anything else.

Kian hesitates for a moment before saying, "Emily get out."

She gives him a stubborn look and stays seated, so Kian walks over to her and grabs her arm, forcefully pulling her out of the room, shutting and locking it afterwards.

Then he goes to sit down on the bed, patting the spot next to him for me to sit down. I cautiously sit next to the boy.

"Listen, this all has a reason," Kian starts to say, but I'm quick to interject.

"So you have a reason for not contacting me the last few days?" I say angrily, holding onto that grudge.

"Yes, well no, but yes." Kian shakes his head. "When we broke up and me and Emily started spending time together, she told me that she had one other condition. That condition was that I had to propose to her and when she had her baby we would get married."

"Married?" I yell, outraged that that stupid bitch would pull something like that.

"Yes, so I agreed. I had to get her a ring because she wanted one. That is the ring on her finger." Kian runs his hands over his face, a sign of stress. "That's why I was so upset the other day. She made me do things for her and agree to things and she had all of the power over me."

I nod, my anger dissipating until I remember that Emily is in this house and still had that damn ring.

"Then why is she here?" I question again, anger evident in my tone. Kian sighs before replying.

"I called her over to officially break off the engagement and talk about some legal stuff. She's only wearing the ring because she refuses to give it back," Kian explains, reaching over to my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Okay, then why didn't you call me? I came to the hospital for you. I've done so many things to support and comfort you, and you can't even call me or text me or anything for me to know why you're okay?" I ask, a tone of disappointment and sadness rather than anger and frustration.

Kian looks down at our hands where they touch before looking back up at me.

"I wanted to give you time. I thought that you had been through a hell of a lot because of Emily and because of me, so I wanted to give you time to decide if you even wanted to be with me anymore. I didn't want to push you," Kian says gently, fear on his face.

His words touch me. Yes, Kian and I have had our ups and downs. We've had some shitty things to go through, but going through them together is better than going through them alone.

"Kian, I don't care if the drama and all the shit with Emily happened all over again. Yeah, we've been to hell and back in this relationship, but not once have I ever regretted any of it. I would put this on repeat if I had to chose between that and not being with you. When I said I love you, I didn't meant the kind of love I thought I felt in second grade, or even in ninth grade. I meant the kind of love that I am willing to fight for and give every last second of my life to keep ahold on. A little drama here and there will never make me give up on you." The words just seemed to pour from my mouth after I said those first words. I couldn't even really explain the way I felt for Kian in words, but I sure did try my best.

I look into Kian's eyes as he processes the words.

"Maddie, I don't know what I would do without you. You are as steady as a rock when it comes to supporting me and I couldn't love you more for that. Thank you for sticking around with me," Kian says, leaning in and wrapping one of his hands behind my neck, placing his lips on mine, and this kiss makes it feel like it's our very first.


Holy shit. Did I just end the book? I really felt like I did. I felt like with their little problem resolution talk that I ended it.

I didn't want to!! I wanted at least two more chapters but idk I started writing and my mind brought me here!

What do y'all think? End it here? Or nah? But if I didn't end here and added a few more chapters, what would even be in those chapters?



oh hey guys guess what I did? I already started writing my new fanfiction, so go check it out its called, "Who to Love" and based on the votes yesterday, I went with writing a Connor fanfic :) enjoy my loves.

Thank you all for every little thing! every vote and every comment makes a difference and makes me want to continue writing!

xox -Delilah

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