7 - Adrien

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After his talk with Marinette, Adrien sat impatiently in his desk seat until the end of the day. I'm going to see Master Fu. He reassured himself.

He was just about to sprint down the street when Natalie notified him that he had a photo shoot that evening. Adrien had groaned, throwing his arms up in defeat. So he sat, stood, laughed, smiled, looked off into the distance, and posed for a full four hours. He was exhausted after but insisted to himself he visit Master Fu. He found the shop closed. At this, Adrien had grabbed at his hair in frustration before running home as it began to rain. Of course, the next day he tried again. But the shop was shut the entire day.

Adrien recalled having to go see a movie with Marinette, Alya and Nino when Alya texted him frantically. He had to run to the theater to make it in time. The other three were just beginning to walk in when Adrien arrived, and Alya rushed up to him, pushing him forward from behind. "Go, go, go!" She exclaimed.

"Dude, we've been waiting, like, ten minutes. Even Marinette was on time." Nino complained.

"Hey!" Marinette swatted playfully at Nino.

"Hi, Adrien." She turned back to Adrien.

"Hello, Marinette." I sound like a choked grandpa. Adrien observed.

Alya glanced between the two before shrugging and dragging everyone inside. "Why is your face all red?" Marinette asked as they walked down the hall.

"Oh- I... I may have had to run down here." Adrien puffed, still breathing heavy.

"Monsieur Chauffeured Everywhere had to run?" Marinette asked skeptically.

"Exactly." Adrien said.

Marinette smirked in response, shifting her vision ahead, to Alya, dragging Nino by a hand. "Here." Alya stopped in front of a door.

She pushed through the door, the four of them choosing seats in the middle row.

Alya and Marinette sat between Nino and Adrien. Alya leaned over and began to converse with Nino as soon as they were seated, while Marinette watched the movie trivia that was playing.

Adrien had seen read somewhere that girls had a tendency to shift their weight to one side at a theater. Leaning towards someone was a sign that they liked them. Although a long shot, the entire movie, Adrien watched in his peripheral vision to see if Marinette leaned towards him. Instead, she sat in the middle of her seat, legs crossed. Towards the end of the movie, much to Adrien's delight, Marinette leaned on her elbow, towards Adrien.




Marinette's week was uneventful. She had managed to do her schoolwork at school, and had seen a movie. But that was all.

So on Saturday and Sunday, she slept in late, stayed in her pajamas, and read a novel. She was so well rested as a result, she was up extremely early on Monday. Again.

When she got to school, Adrien seemed extremely cryptic as Marinette said hello. "Hello, Marinette." He smirked.

"Hi, Adrien." Marinette followed him with her eyes as he took a seat.

"Is it just me, or is Adrien being weird?" Marinette leaned over and whispered to Alya.

"Nah, seems the same to me." Alya shrugged.

Class commenced.


Class ended and Marinette burst from the doors, happy to break for lunch. "I hate Mondays." Alya complained as they sat down.

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