6 - Marinette

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Marinette woke up late that morning. After her initial panic, she celebrated. It was as though pieces of her life were falling back where they were supposed to be. She rushed to school, a ridiculous grin on her face. When she ran up the stairs to class, she could see that students were filing in. "Alya!" Marinette called, seeing Alya.

"Marinette, girl!" Alya said, noticing Marinette.

"What's up?" Marinette asked, coming to a stop next to Alya.

"I forgot to text you the movie details." Alya said randomly.

"Yes, you did." Marinette said as they sat down.

"Pay attention!" The science teacher yelled - Marinette could never recall her name.

She always had such a negative attitude. You'd think with wild purple hair she'd be fun. "Jeez, what's her problem?" Alya asked, leaning over to whisper to Marinette.

"I know, right?" Marinette answered.


"You go ahead, I'll catch up." Marinette said to Alya as the class dispersed for lunch.

"Okay, girl." Alya said, walking off with Nino.

After the class had emptied, Marinette sighed. She enjoyed being happy again, but she needed a break to let her emotions just flow. Marinette collapsed into the bench Adrien had been sitting in during class and put her head on the table. She lifted her head, standing up, when she saw Adrien's head poking in through the door. "Hi." Marinette lifted a hand in greeting.

It once more struck her as sad she didn't like him anymore. Chat had more than filled in Adrien's place. Adrien's mouth moved into a straight line and his head craned back. Simply put, he was derping. Then his face shifted into a nervous smile. "H-hi, Marinette!" Adrien waved, the other hand pulling at his shirt collar.

"Hello" Marinette smiled, amused, as Adrien stepped fully into the room.

"I wasn't spying on you, because that would be weird, but I was looking for you, and I found you so hooray!" Adrien rambled out in one breath.

Marinette giggled. Oh how Adrien had missed that laugh, especially when it had been reserved for just him. "I swear I'm not a creepy stalker." Adrien clarified, laughing along with Marinette.

"What a relief." Marinette smiled.

Her precious smile. Now that it was back, Adrien never wanted to see it leave again. Marinette scooted over, patting the space next to her. Adrien sat down only to find their shoulders brushing. He blushed slightly. It felt like he was falling in love with Marinette all over again. "How come you're in here?" Adrien asked.

"Sometimes you just need time to think." Marinette said thoughtfully.

"I get it. What were you thinking about?"

"Where's my penny?" Marinette laughed, referring to the night they had spent in the hospital.

"No change. I think I need other means of payment."

"What did you have in mind?" Marinette smiled slyly.

"Uh-Uh-Uh! Where's my penny?" Adrien laughed.

"Thoughts for thoughts again, then." Marinette laughed at Adrien's childish response.

"Indeed. Enlighten me, Marinette." Adrien leaned on his elbow.

"Well... I was thinking... What are you supposed to do after the love of your life-" Marinette paused, choking on the word.

"-Dies...?" She stared at the table while speaking.

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