Part 2

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Liam's pov

'And how are you so sure of that?' Harry ask. 'Because I would be dead by now' Louis says in rolling his eyes. 'And where is Niall?' I ask. 'Uhhh' I look at Harry he looks back. The fox and Louis are looking at each other. 'Well?' Harry ask. He stayed quiet looking at the ground. Louis puts the fox down. It jumps on the bed. And lays down on the bed. 'Once again where is Niall?' He can't just disappear' Harry says getting frustrated. 'Uhhhh he uhm' Louis says rubbing the back of his neck. Not knowing what to say. He bites down on his bottom lip. Louis locks eyes with the fox. Louis started a random talk with us. But what me and Harry didn't notice is that the animal leaves the room. 'Wait where is the fox?' I ask. 'Wich fox?' I hear someone say behind us. We turn around. 'But there was a fox' I say. 'No, there wasn't I didn't see a fox though' Niall says. He kept standing in the door opening. Louis walks over to him. 'There was a fox don't fuck with me' Harry says. Louis and Niall look at each other. 'Then you're hallucinating stuff' Louis says. Me and Harry gave each other strange looks. 'Whatever' Harry says walking past the to. He brushes his shoulder with the two boys. Niall looks hurt at his actions. He turns around. The two made eye contact. Harry smirks at him. And Niall blushes. After that Harry smiled widely and winked at him before he walks away. Niall is blushing like a mad man. Before he walk away too. 'Did Harry just eye rape him?' Louis ask. 'I think so' I say. We look at each other and then at the stairs where the two boys went down. We walk downstairs. Harry and Niall aren't there anymore. 'Where are they?' Louis ask. 'I don't know' I say. 'Maybe Niall is with Harry' I say. Louis furrows his eyebrows. 'Is he trust worthy?' Louis ask. 'Mhm' I hum. He nods his head.

We take a seat on the couch. 'But what was that with that fox? Don't lie I know I didn't hallucinate it' I say. 'I can't tell you right now' He whispers. 'Like I said earlier you'll get to know that later I think' He says. 'Okay' I say. After that we fell into a comfortable silence. We heard the front door open after a few minutes. Me and Louis looked at each other. We both crossed our arms. 'Hello! Were back' Harry said. 'Where were you two?' I ask. 'At the park' Niall says shrugging. 'Don't tell me that you two want to know everywhere me and Niall are going to' Harry groans. 'Too bad Styles' I say. 'Ugh fuck you payne' Harry says. Rolling his eyes. 'Why didn't you tell anything?' Louis ask frowning. They both sigh at the same time. 'Sorry mum and dad' Harry says smirking. Making me roll my eyes at him. 'Well we had fun thanks for asking' Harry says sarcastically. 'Your welcome' I say. 'Whatever' Harry says. Niall laughs. 'What is so funny?' Louis ask. 'And you two are friends?' Niall ask. 'I can't believe it neither' Harry says. I give him the middle finger. Making Niall laugh harder. Harry does the same. 'WELL WHO WANTS TO WATCH A MOVIE!!!!?' Louis screams. 'Louis' Niall hissed out. 'Ow sorry Ni' 'You're forigven this time' Niall teases. While sticking his tongue out. 'Talk to the hand bitch' Louis says. 'Ouch my feelings' Niall says fake hurt and putting his hand on his chest and starts pouting. Harry whispers something in his ear making the blonde blush. 'And you two are friends?' I mimic him smirking. 'Tsk tsk tsk hush' Niall says turning his head to the side. Louis laughs. 'That's my boy' He says proudly. 'Learned from the best' He winked. Louis shakes his head laughing. 'What 'bout that movie?' I ask. 'Oh yeah wait a sec' Louis says standing up walking away. He looks at Niall and smirks. What did he have in mind? After a few minutes he comes back in with a movie in his hand. He looks at Niall with a devilish smile. Niall raises an eyebrow at him. 'What did you do Tomlinson?' He asked. 'Just wait and see' He says. Niall gulps. Harry went to sit beside me but Louis took the seat. Harry shrugs and sits down beside Niall. 'What do you have in mind?' I ask. 'I know that Niall hates horror movies so I picked the scariest movie we've' Louis says. 'Wich one?' I ask. 'Rose red' 'Okay?' I say. He puts the disk into the dvd player. And starts the movie.

By now Niall was seated on Harry's lap his face pressed into his shirt. 'Told ya' Louis said. 'F-fuck y-you L-Louis' Niall stutters. He was shaking in fear. Harry is whispering into his ear. Trying to calm him down. The front door opens. Making us all look up to the direction. There's no sound to be heard. 'Louis i-if that's y-you then s-stop it' Niall stutters terrified. 'But I'm sitting here' Louis says. Niall's eyes widen. 'I'm home' Someone said while walking into the living room making us all jump. 'Oh sorry for scaring you boys' The woman said. Looking at the tv frowning then glaring at Louis. 'Uhm hi' He says. 'You know that Niall doesn't like horror movies' She says shaking her head. Then she look at me and Harry. 'Who are you guys?' She ask. 'I'm Liam and that's Harry' I say pointing to Harry. 'I'm Jay Louis and Niall's mother' She says. 'Nice to meet you guys' she adds. 'Nice for meeting you too Mrs Tomlinson' Harry says. 'Please hun call me Jay' She says. 'Okay' Harry says. 'Wait but Niall isn't your real son right?' I asked confused. 'I know, but still' She says. We nod our heads. 'If you want you can stay here I'm not letting you go home it's too dangerous' She says. 'Thank you' I say. She kindly smiles. 'Oh and Louis if Niall is having nightmares it's all your fault' She says. 'I know I know' He says. We went upstairs Niall and Harry in Niall's room and me and Louis in his room. 'You don't mind sharing a bed right?' Louis ask awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. 'No problem at all' I say. He smiles. I take my shirt off. And my pants. Louis gives me sweatpants. I put it on. I lay down. On the bed. Louis lays down too. I pull him closer to me. With his back against my chest. 'Goodnight love' I say kissing his head. 'Goodnight Lima' He whispers. After a few minutes I fell asleep.

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