Part 6

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Louis's Pov

I wake up and look at Liam smiling and press a kiss on his head. He opens his eyes 'Morning Lou' He says 'Morning Li' I say. As he pulls me in for a kiss I hear someone knocking on the door as we break apart. 'Come in' Liam says. Not much later the door opens and see that Niall peeks his head inside smiling. 'Breakfast is ready' He says still smiling. I smile back at him. 'We'll be down in a minute' I say. 'Okay' He says as he closes the door again. I look at Liam 'Well let's get ready' I say. Getting out of bed I take some clothes and put them on. 'Let's go' Liam says as we walk downstairs. 'Morning love birds' I say as Niall sits on Harry's lap. They look at us. 'Morning lads' Harry says. 'Hi' Niall grins at us. We sit down at the table and look at the two. Harry is feeding Niall. As I start to eat. I look at Liam and lean against him. 'What're we going to do?' Niall asks. 'I guess you won't like it' I say. 'What?' He asks tilting his head to the side. 'School' I say 'No no no, I'm not going' Niall huffs as he crosses his arms. And chuckle at him 'Why can't I stay here?' He asks. 'Because you need to learn something' Liam says. He looks at Harry pouting 'Can I stay here?' He asks and I just know that he's looking at him with his cutest face. Harry looks at Liam before he looks back at Niall. 'Ofcourse you can' Harry says pinching Nialls cheeks. Who smiles happily. I chuckle at him as Liam sighs. 'Come on let him be' I say 'Okay fine' Liam mumbles. When I'm done with breakfast I make myself ready to go to school. I let my hair as it is and walk downstairs and see Niall laying on the couch with Harry's lilac sweater on he looks rather comfy in it. I smile at him and sit down beside him. 'You sure you want to stay here?' I ask as he looks at me. 'Mhm' He hums 'You know that Harry isn't staying here, right?' I ask. Niall only looks at me 'But' He says. 'Lou you coming?' Liam asks walking into the living room. Harry standing beside him 'Hazzy're you staying here too?' Niall asks as he cuddles into the sweater as he makes sweater paws. I hear Harry coo at him. 'I'm sorry my love but I can't stay' Harry says looking at Niall. 'But' He says pouting. I stand up and walk over to Liam. He gives me a kiss. I push Harry towards Niall. But he trips over his own feet and falls face first on the ground. Niall looks at him as he starts to laugh. 'Carefull eh Haz' I chuckle. 'Shut up' He grumbles.

'You okay Harry?' Niall asks still looking down at him. 'I'm fine love' Harry says. standing up. I push him on the couch beside Niall who immediately cuddles into his side. 'Uhh gu-' 'Nope you're staying here with your baby' I say. 'But...' 'No buts mister' I say again. 'Are yo-' 'Yes now shut up and cuddle with him we're leaving' I say as me and Liam walk out of the door. 'We will just tell them that he's sick' I say. Liam nods his head as we get into his car. He starts it and drives away. 'When is Ni going in heat?' Liam asks looking at me. 'Uhhh I don't know he's never been in heat when he was with us' I say he nods his head. As we reach the school Liam parks his car in one of the empty spots. We get out he locks the car doors and we walk into the school. 'Hey where's Styles and his Omega?' Someone asks. 'Do I know you?' I ask 'No just a question' he says I roll my eyes at him 'As you can see they're not here' I say. He walks away. The bell rings we walk towards math class and sit down in the front desks. Not much later the teacher came walking in. 'Where's Mr Styles?' Mr Black asks 'He's sick' Liam says. The teacher nods his head. As he starts explaining things. But me being me didn't pay attention to him and look out of the window. 'Louis? What are you thinking about?' Liam asks making me jump. 'Nothing just looking outside' I say. He nods his head just as the teacher came walking back inside with some stuff in his arms. I sigh and lay my head on my arms and fall asleep

~time skip after school~

We walk out of the school and towards the car we get inside of it. Liam starts the car as he drives away. 'Do you want to eat somewhere?' he asks. 'Later maybe Narry want to join us' I say looking at him. 'Okay' he says. And drives towards home as soon as we arrive he parks the car. We get out of it. We walk towards the front door Liam opens it as we walk inside. 'We're home' Liam says. Not getting a response but we here some moaning and whining. 'What the' I say. And walk inside the living room and see that Harry is fucking Niall senseles on the couch and he sometimes spanks the blonde boys ass making him moan. I stare wide eyed at the two 'Lou what's wro- and they couldn't do it in the bedroom?' Liam asks 'Guess not' I say. Soon Niall starts to beg for Harry to go even faster and harder if that's even possible. We walk away towards Liam's room. 'Now what?' I ask 'Stay here till they're done' Liam says. I nod my head. After some time it gets quiet I walk out of the room and downstairs to see that they fell asleep on the couch Harry still on top of Niall. I sigh and shake my head. I take some blankets and put it over them and notice that he's still inside of Niall. 'You two are a pair of rabbits I swear' I mumble to myself. Liam walks into the living room 'Well I guess that Niall is in heat' Liam says. I nod my head in agreement. 'But that was hot' I say. And hear Liam sigh. We sit down on the other couch and put the tv on.

Harry's pov

I open my eyes and look down at Niall and smile. I notice that someone put a blanket on top of us. I sigh and start to pull out carefully. 'Harry' Niall whines. As he pushes himself back on me. As he moans 'Oi take it somewhere else this time' I look up and see Louis and Liam looking at us. 'How long have you been here?' I ask. 'Long enough to know that you two were going at it like rabbits' Louis says. I blush and nod my head. 'Niall baby kitten love wake up' I say running my fingers through his hair. 'Hazzy?' He asks groggily. I pull out of him making him whine. 'Feeling better?' I ask still running my fingers through his hair. He nods his head 'Come love lets clean up' I say. He nods his head. I get up from the couch Niall winces as he moves I pick him up and walk upstairs with him in my arms. I put him down and make a bath ready. I take a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. And for Niall the same but with a white t-shirt. I take the clothes and follow a limping Niall towards the bathroom I stare at his ass and spank it making him wince. He glares at me making me coo at him as he sighs. We get in the bath I sit behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and hold him close to me. 'Love ya Haz' 'Love you too angel' I say and press a kiss on his cheeck. When we're done we get out of it and dry myself off with a towel. And put my clothes on. I sit on the edge from the bath tub and look at Niall. 'You ready?' I ask. 'Yea' He says. 'You first' I say smirking. 'Don't you dare to slap my ass' Niall huffs. 'You seemed to like it when I fucked ya' I say still smirking. He rolls his eyes and limps away I follow him into the living room. 'Let's go!' Louis says. Louis and Niall walk infront of as Niall tries not to limp but failing. 'Poor lad' Liam says chuckling. I shrug my shoulders and chuckle with him. 'You okay?' Louis asks. 'I'm perfectly fine' Niall huffs sarcastically. 'Next time I'll take it easy on ya' I say smirking. 'Shut up' He says. Making us all laugh. 'You're all mean' He says I know that he's pouting I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him against my chest.

'Are we?' I ask 'Yes' He huffs. 'Ni you know that you love us' Louis sings. 'Are you sure about that Tomlinson?' Niall asks with and eyebrow raised. 'Yes' Louis says smirking. Niall rolls his eyes. I press a kiss on his cheeck and unwrap my arms from his waist. 'Styles thought that you were sick?' Someone says from behind us. We turn around 'Huh?' I ask 'Payne said that you were sick' The guy says. 'Oh just went out for some fresh air' I say. The guy nods his head. I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I look beside me 'What is it my love?' I ask. 'My bum hurts' He whispers in my ear. 'I'll give you a piggy back ride' I say. Niall nods his head and climbs on my back he wraps his arms loosely around my neck as I wrap my arms around his legs. He nuzzels his head in my hair. 'Hazzy your hair is so soft' Niall says as he giggles. 'Can we go back?' Niall asks looking still with his face pressed in my hair. 'Sure thing love' I say. 'Gonna cuddle?' He asks this time looking at me cutely. 'Yes darling' I say and smile at him he cheers. 'C'mon horsie' He says jokingly I smile at him and walk back. I open the door and close it with my foot I walk upsairs and let him fall on the bed as he giggles. I lay down beside him as he cuddles into my side I wrap my arms around his waist and we both fall asleep just like that.

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