Part 5

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Liam's Pov

Me and Louis look at the two who're sleeping on the couch I smile at them. 'I'm glad that Harry found Niall well because of you' I say smiling at Louis. 'Same tho' He says smiling back I pull him closer we keep looking at the two. 'Harry has changed because of Niall' Louis says 'True but I think he would fight someone if he or she looks at him weird or touches him' I say. 'I know for sure he'll do that' Louis says I chuckle at him. 'What would've happened when we never met?' I ask. 'I don't know' He says. The door bell rings making Niall sit up whitin seconds he looks around. 'Be right back' Louis says and opens the door. 'Go back to sleep Nialler someone is at the door' I say he nods his head and lays back down Harry pulls him closer and has a tight hold around Niall as he cuddles closer to him. Not much later he's back asleep I smile at the two and walk towards Louis. And see three guys standing there all of them are Alpha's. 'Can we help you?' I ask. 'We're your new neighbors' One with the brown hair says. 'Nice to meet you?' Louis asks. I wrap my arm around Louis 'Li? Lou? Who are they?' A soft voice asks we turn around and see Niall standing there rubbing his eyes while yawning cutely. 'Aww' The three boys infront of us coos making Niall blush and look down. 'Come here love' Louis says Niall hugs Louis and I wrap my arm back around Louis. Yes he has his ears and tail hidden if you were wondering that. 'Is Haz still asleep?' Louis asks him. 'Yea he wouldn't wake up so I let him sleep' Niall says shrugging I ruffle his hair making him whine. 'And you manege to escape his hold?' I ask Niall nods pressing his face in Louis's chest. 'Nialler?! Love?!' Harry shouts running into the hall way Niall looks up at him smiling widely. 'Come here lil cutie' Harry says Louis lets him go as Niall runs into Harry's arms who picks him up.

Harry then looks at the three boys standing there who're staring at Niall making Harry growl and he glares at them 'Who are they?' Harry tried not to snap but failing. 'Our new neighbors' Louis mumbles while rolling his eyes. 'Problem with that twink?' One of them says. 'No one and I mean No one calls me a twink so shut your fooking trap and leave' Louis growls. 'Big mouth for a Beta' He says. 'Annoying for a bitch Alpha' Louis shot back. They glare at him as Louis flips them off and walks away making Niall giggle at him. Louis pinches Niall's cheecks before gives the three Alpha's the middlefinger and walks into the living room. The guy in the middle growls. 'Is there a problem?' I ask as Harry puts Niall down. 'Can I learn that bitch some manners?' Middle dude asks he was about to walk inside but Niall stands in his way. He looks at Niall 'What are you doing?' 'Not letting you in duh' Niall says rolling his eyes at them I smile at the boy. 'Why not? We can have some fun too ya know' He says winking at him. I hold Harry back Niall looks at him with a discusted face. 'Nah I would rather eat shit to whatever you want to do' He says shrugging his shoulder as if nothing is going on I see that Harry is trying not to laugh. 'I would rather eat you' Another one says. Niall frowns and looks at him. 'Ew, I've two things to say' Niall says tilting his head to the side. 'What?' They ask. 'One your flirting is shit Two I would never go for someone like you horny idiots. And something else fuck off' He says slamming the door shut in their face as I hear something crack. 'Did I broke his nose?' Niall asks looking at me and Harry that's when Harry starts to laugh. 'Best thing ever' Harry says Niall only smiles shyly at him. 'Come here love' He says as Niall walks over towards Harry who pulls him in a hug. I smile at the two and go to Louis.

I see that he's in the kitchen I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. 'Hey' I whisper in his ear. 'Hello' Louis says turning around as I start to kiss him. Soon we're having a makeout session. We hear someone shriek as we pull away and see Niall standing there with his hands infront of his eyes. 'You can look' I say as he takes his hand away from his eyes. 'Next time get a room' He mumbles 'What did you want to have anyways?' Louis asks. 'Uhm food but I'm not hungry anymore' He says shivering. Making us laugh as he pouts at us Niall walks away without saying anyting.

Niall's Pov

'Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry' I mutter over again. 'Yes, yes, yes, yes?' I hear from behind me making me jump and turn around. And hug him. 'What's up?' 'Li and Lou were making out in the kitchen' I mumble against his chest. 'How do you know that?' Harry asks. 'I wanted to get some food and saw them kissing' I mumble again and start blushing. Harry sighs as he shouts their names. 'What?' They ask running into the living room I look up at them and see that their hair is messy. Harry looks at them too. 'No we didn't fuck or anything like that' Louis says making me shiver at the thought of that. 'Next time get a room' Harry says chuckling. They roll their eyes. 'Like your room?' Louis says smirking. 'Hell no, Liam's room' Harry says. They nod their heads just as the door bell rings. 'I'm going' I say and run towards the door I don't bother to look who it is and open it. I look at the guys from earlier. 'Do you and your friends want to come over and eat with us?' Middle dude asks smirking evilly. 'I uhh... No thanks' I mutter. 'Oh please' He says I shake my head no. He glares at me making me gulp. 'Just come and eat with us' He demands using his Alpha tone. I keep quiet looking down 'Is it a yes?' He asks 'No' I whisper. He growls 'Leave him alone' Harry's deep voice says. I turn around and run into his arms. They glare at us. 'And no we aren't coming over deal with it' Harry says slamming the door shut in their face. 'It's okay love' He says pressing a kiss on my hair. 'Is everything alright here?' Liam asks as him and Louis walk in here. 'Those bitches were back asking to come over' Harry growls as I hold him thighter but he rubs my back. 'For what?' 'They wanted us to eat dinner with them' I say. The door bell rings again Louis opens it. 'The fuck do you want?' Louis asks angrily. 'For you to e-' Louis cuts him off punching straight in his face. He looks at Louis. 'No is no!' Louis hisses 'Leave. Us. Alone' Louis growls slamming the door in their faces. 

'Next time they're dead' Louis mutters. And walks into the living room Liam follows him. I sigh and lay my head on Harry's shoulder who smiles down at me. 'Let's go to the living room' He says I nod my head and follow him we walk over to one of the couches and sit down on it. I cuddle into his side and look at Liam and Louis who're talking. 'I wanna throw water over them' I whisper into Harry's ear. Who looks at me 'Go a head I'll keep them distracted' He says. I stand up and walk outside I look at Harry who looks at me. He says something to them as they stand up and walk outside I walk out of the barn with two buckets full of water they're standing with their back towards me I grin and walk over to them and throw the water over them. As they yelp and turn around. I look at them smiling innocently. 'Wasn't me' I say and run inside and jump into Harry's arms. They walk inside looking at me as Harry starts to laugh. 'You guys are soaked how come?' Harry asks. 'One guess' Louis says looking at me. I look at Harry and then back at them. 'I'm changing my clothes' Louis says. As he walks upstairs. Liam follows him I cuddle back into Harry's side and lay my head on his shoulder. He picks me up and carries me upstairs into his room. He lays me down on the bed as he lays down beside me. I cuddle back into him as he wraps his arms around my waist. I sigh and press a kiss on his nose he smiles at me. I sigh and lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. Harry kisses my head. I smile and not much later I fall asleep.

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