What I Do In My Free Time........

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I opened the fridge looking for something cool and refreshing to drink.  And there it sat.  A bottle of green liquid, known as "Mtn. Dew".  It had been sitting in that fridge for just the perfect amount of time, so that it was just cold enough.

I was drawn to it, as if it was using the "Accio" charm on me.

I picked up that sacred bottle and took it over to where I was sitting with the computer.

I took a sip.  It's aura was so strong that I took another sip.  Next thing you know, the bottle was half empty, and I had a wonderful idea.

I should write my thoughts on this bottle of Mtn. Dew.  It's so awesome and it makes me hyper, so why not?

And that's how you ended up reading this terrible story!

[Comment if you read it...I might write more, maybe about a Applejuice bottle next time! COMENT]

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