Interview with Tony Stark

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[Kay, so, I had this homework for school asking me to intereiw someone involved in science.  I didn't accually do Tony Stark, I probably would've gotten in trouble...But, I decided to do it as something fun.  I'm going to do this the way the paper's telling me to do it..]

I am interveiwing Tony Stark and he works at Stark Industries which makes weapons. He also invented the Iron Man suit.  Tony Stark is one of my friends.  He accually made me and my friend Iron Man suits.  I am interveiwing him because he's really interesting and everyone wants to know what goes on in his head.

Tony's job would probably be considered Engineering or Computer Science.  I mean, he builds stuff and deals with computers (like JARVIS). Plus, Iron Man is basicly a mix between the two because he built it and it's basicly a smartphone that you wear.

He uses math because math and science go hand in hand, so, he probably uses math on the weapons for measurements and stuff like that.  He probabaly uses math for Iron Man too for some reason. [A/N I know this whole math thing isn't very good, but math is my weak spot so..yeah..That's all]

The education needed to do what Tony does probably involves going to collage for like...a long time.  But, maybe it's immpossible to have Tony's job, because look at his last name. Stark. His father did the same thing.  Maybe it's one of those things that runs in the family and we're all too stupid to do it.  Tony chose to do this because he's good at it, he likes doing it, and his father did it. Plus, it made him a billianare, why do anything else?  His favorite part of the job is probably Iron Man.  Even though it isn't really his job, he loves doing it and it was brought on by the job.  His least favorite part is/was probably being controlled by Obediah.  See, who's name is on top of the front door? Tony's. Not Obediah's.  This job relates to science/math because makeing weapons and the whole Arc Reactor thing needs science. It is science.  And science needs math. So, there.   Tony Stark is kindof the owner of the company, so, I guess he just has to go to a few meetings, invent something here and there, and he's good.  A typical day for Tony Stark is probably running out to be Iron Man every now and again, dealing with S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers if needed, and doing whatever he has to do to keep Stark Industries alive.

I think this interveiw has really gone downhill because Tony wasn't honestly paying any attention to what he was saying.  Pepper answered half the questions for him and the other half I either got an answer from Tony or just guessed.  I learned that Tony probably does alot more than most of us thought he did.  The impact this interveiw had on me was that I WAS TALKING TO TONY STARK!!! TONY STARK!!

[Okay..Well..This went alot worse than I thought it, don't judge me for not knowing anything about Tony Stark and...yeahhhh.....]

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