The Redskins VS Feet...

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Okay, so my mother is a major Washington Redskins fan.  So, she has a Kindle Fire, and she buys lot's of weird music on there (LMFAO, etc.).  So, apperently, she bought this song dedicated to the Redskins. And apparently, this group wrote an entire CD dedicated to the Redskins.

How the hell can you write music about a sports team? I don't get it.

So, I said that I could write more music about my feet than the Redskins.

So, then, I accually attempted to write a song about athlete's foot..Because, that has to do with feet..


Athlete's Foot. Oh My Freaking Gosh it's so itchy. 

I used that powder spray shit, but they are still itchy

How did I even get Athlete's Foot? I don't even play sports

This is so weird. I hate Athlete's Foot.

Yeah...That's only part of it...I didn't feel like disturbing you with my terrible song writing

Point is, feet are more easy to write music about than the Redskins..

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